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.VectorScript|VectorScript ..VS:Function Reference|Function Reference ..VS:Function_Reference_Appendix|Appendix


Returns information about the specified polyline vertex.

Note that vertexNum is 1-based for Polygons and Polylines, and 0-based for 3D Polylines.

PROCEDURE GetPolylineVertex(
obj :HANDLE;
vertexNum :INTEGER;
VAR vertexType :INTEGER;
VAR arcRadius :REAL);
def vs.GetPolylineVertex(obj, vertexNum):
    return (p, vertexType, arcRadius)


obj HANDLE Handle to object.
vertexNum INTEGER Index of vertex to be queried.
p REAL X-Y coordinates of vertex.
vertexType INTEGER Type of vertex.
arcRadius REAL Radius of vertex corner (arc vertex only).


(_c_, 2022.01.18) In VS Python this routine will always return a 2-items tuple, clipping it if "necessary". If you need a 3 items tuple for usage in vs.Vec2Ang, for example, you will need to restore the third item.

# test GetPolylineVertex
p = (0, 0, 0)
vs.AlrtDialog( 'init tuple: ' + str(len(p)) ) # 3 items
p, vertexType, arcRadius = vs.GetPolylineVertex(vs.FSActLayer(), 1) # take care to have a polygon selected
vs.AlrtDialog( 'after GetPolylineVertex: ' + str(len(p)) ) # 2 items?!?

Retrieves information about a polyline vertex. Vertex type constant values are

  • 0 - Corner
  • 1 - Bezier
  • 2 - Cubic
  • 3 - Arc

(Charles Chandler, 2001 Jun. 11) The radius value can be one of three things:

  • 0, in which case the actual drawn radius is simply the biggest radius that will fit,
  • the same as the actual displayed radius,
  • larger than the displayed radius, in which case the drawn radius is the biggest radius that will fit.

MaKro 2022:

  • 4 - Radius (new type has been added) VS:GetPolylineArcMaxRadius
  • Corner vertex, which has no radius at all, returns value other than zero for radius, so always check vertex type.
  • For an Arc type (3) vertex, the internally stored radius can be different to the one showed in the info palette. VS:ConvertToArcPolyline fixes this issue.



obj        :HANDLE;
vertexNum  :INTEGER;
ptX, ptY   :REAL;
vertexType :INTEGER;
arcRadius  :REAL;
obj := FSActLayer;
FOR vertexNum := 1 TO GetVertNum(obj) DO BEGIN
GetPolylineVertex(obj, vertexNum, ptX, ptY, vertexType, arcRadius);
TextOrigin(ptX, ptY);
CreateText(Concat('vNum: ', vertexNum, '  vType: ', vertexType, '  radius: ', arcRadius));


def Example():
	obj = vs.FSActLayer()
	for vertexNum in range(1, vs.GetVertNum(obj)):
		ptVt, vertexType, arcRadius = vs.GetPolylineVertex(obj, vertexNum)
		vs.TextOrigin(ptVt[0], ptVt[1])
		vs.CreateText(vs.Concat('vNum: ', vertexNum, '  vType: ', vertexType, '  radius: ', arcRadius))



Availability: from VectorWorks 8.5

See Also

For polylines:

For polygons:

For polylines:
  • [[VS:SetPolylineVertex| SetPolylineVertex]]
  • [[VS:GetPolylineArcMaxRadius]]

For polygons:

  • [[VS:GetPolyPt| GetPolyPt]]
  • [[VS:SetPolyPt| SetPolyPt]]