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.VectorScript|VectorScript ..VS:Function Reference|Function Reference ..VS:Function_Reference_Appendix|Appendix


Returns the numeric formatting of a cell in the referenced worksheet.

Specific index values for numeric formats and accuracy are listed in the Appendix.

PROCEDURE GetWSCellNumberFormat(
worksheet :HANDLE;
column :INTEGER;
VAR accuracy :INTEGER;
VAR leaderString :STRING;
VAR trailerString :STRING);
def vs.GetWSCellNumberFormat(worksheet, row, column):
    return (style, accuracy, leaderString, trailerString)


worksheet HANDLE Handle to worksheet.
row INTEGER Row of cell to be queried.
column INTEGER Column of cell to be queried.
style INTEGER Numeric format style index.
accuracy INTEGER Numeric accuracy / secondary format index.
leaderString STRING Leader string (where applicable).
trailerString STRING Trailer string (where applicable).


(_c_ 2022.05.09):

Number Format constants:

Flag Style
0 general
1 decimal
2 decimal with commas
3 scientific
4 fractional
5 dimension
6 angle
For angle, the accuracy displays the angle format as in the pull-down menu list,

whereby the choices 1 to 3 are degrees, the rest decimal.

7 date
For date, the accuracy displays the date format as in the pull-down menu.


  • the returned flags don't correspond to the pull-down indexes. See list below.
  • the format depends on the system settings.
Example: flag 33 shows as dd/mm/yy in the pull-down menu, but resolves as dd.mm.yy in my German system.
Example: all (AM/PM) flags don't resolve in the German system and stay as 24h.
Flag Date Format Example (sys dependent)
9 mmm-yy Jan-04
1 m/d/yy 1.24.04
30 mm/dd/yyyy 01.24.1904
2 m/d/yy hmm 1.24.04 21:34
14 m/d/yy hms (AM/PM) 1.24.04 21:34:14
8 d-mmm 24-Jan
3 d/m/yy 24.1.04
7 d-mmm-yy 24-Jan-04
33 dd/mm/yy 24.01.04
35 dd/mm/yyyy 24.01.1904
4 d/m/yy hm 24.1.04 21:34
23 d/m/yy hms (AM/PM) 24.1.04 21:34:14
34 dd/mm/yy hms (AM/PM) 24.01.04 21:34:14
36 dd/mm/yyyy hms (AM/PM) 24.01.1904 21:34:14
5 yy/m/d 04.1.24
29 yyyymmdd 19040124
31 yyyy-mm-dd 1904-01-24
6 yy/m/d hm 04.1.24 21:34
28 yy/m/d hms (AM/PM) 04.1.24 21:34:14
32 yyyymmddhhmmss 19040124213414
10 h mm 21:34
11 h mm ss 21:34:14
12 h mm (AM/PM) 21:34
13 h mm ss (AM/PM) 21:34:14
15 day, month d, yyyy Sunday, January 24, 1904
16 day, month d, yyyy hms (AM/PM) Sunday, January 24, 1904 21:34:14
17 dow, mmm d, yyyy Sun, Jan 24, 1904
18 dow, mmm d, yyyy hms (AM/PM) Sun, Jan 24, 1904 21:34:14
19 day, d month yyyy Sunday, 24 January 1904
20 day, d month yyyy hms (AM/PM) Sunday, 24 January 1904 21:34:14
21 dow, d mmm yyyy Sun, 24 Jan 1904
22 dow, d mmm yyyy hms (AM/PM) Sun, 24 Jan 1904 21:34:14
24 day, yyyy month d Sunday, 1904 January 24
25 day, yyyy month d hms (AM/PM) Sunday, 1904 January 24 21:34:14
26 dow, yyyy mmm d Sun, 1904 Jan 24
27 dow, yyyy mmm d hms (AM/PM) Sun, 1904 Jan 24 21:34:14
8 boolean
11 dimension area
12 dimension volume
13 text
14 percentage


Availability: from VectorWorks 9.0