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.VectorScript|VectorScript ..VS:Function Reference|Function Reference ..VS:Function_Reference_Appendix|Appendix


Creates an editable text field control for REAL values.

CreateEditReal is intended specifically for entry of numeric values; the control returns values in a numeric format, and supports calculations within the control field.

Table - Field Types for EditReal Fields
Index Field Value
1 REAL value
2 Angular value
3 Dimension
4 X coordinate
5 Y coordinate
PROCEDURE CreateEditReal(
dialogID :LONGINT;
editRealType :LONGINT;
defaultValue :REAL;
widthInCharacters :LONGINT);
def vs.CreateEditReal(dialogID, itemID, editRealType, defaultValue, widthInCharacters):
    return None


dialogID LONGINT The index of the dialog layout containing the control.
itemID LONGINT The index that will identify the control item.
editRealType LONGINT The type of REAL value being accepted.
defaultValue REAL Default value for the field.
widthInCharacters LONGINT Width of the field in characters.


Edits reals, does math, get and set values with get and set real calls.

There are 5 edit real types:

  • 1 - Real, regular old real type;
  • 2 - Angle, vs input and output is always in degrees but the user can use what ever they want;
  • 3 - Dimension, usually an offset this a distance that is not tied to the origin;
  • 4 - CoordinateX, this is an exact x location on the drawing;
  • 5 - CoordinateY, this is an exact y location on the drawing. There are separate x and y controls to account for changes the user may make to the origin. I think Z coordinates should use the offset mode, but I need to check with mark on this one.

The default value parameter isn't worth much -- it plops the value into the edit box OK -- but it does not assign the value to the control. VS:GetEditReal will return 0 for the control, unless the user clicks in the control. Use SetEditReal in your SetupDialogC event instead of using a default value for this control.

Accepts '3 1/4' and '3000000' but not '3,000,000'.



dialog1 :INTEGER;
result  :INTEGER;
PROCEDURE Dialog_Handler(VAR item :LONGINT; data :LONGINT);
dialog1 := CreateLayout('Example Dialog', FALSE, 'OK', 'Cancel');
CreateEditReal(dialog1, 4, 3, 123, 16);
SetFirstLayoutItem(dialog1, 4);
result := RunLayoutDialog(dialog1, Dialog_Handler);


def Dialog_Handler( item , data ):
def Example():
	dialog1 = vs.CreateLayout('Example Dialog', False, 'OK', 'Cancel')
	vs.CreateEditReal(dialog1, 4, 3, 123, 16)
	vs.SetFirstLayoutItem(dialog1, 4)
	result = vs.RunLayoutDialog(dialog1, Dialog_Handler)


Availability: from VectorWorks 9.0