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.VectorScript|VectorScript ..VS:Function Reference|Function Reference ..VS:Function_Reference_Appendix|Appendix


DEPRECATED after Vectorworks2012. See AddListBrowserImage for a replacement.

Adds specified image resource to image list.

Currently only one resource type is supported: the 'ics8' resource. This is a 16x16 color icon. Pass a value of 1 for the resourceType argument to indicate this type. Call SetVSResourceFile to specify a resource file that contains the icons.

dialogID :LONGINT;
componentID :LONGINT;
resourceType :INTEGER;
def vs.AddLBImage(dialogID, componentID, resourceType, resourceID):
    return INTEGER


dialogID LONGINT id of the dialog that contains the list browser
componentID LONGINT id of the list browser control
resourceType INTEGER type of image resource to be added
resourceID INTEGER the resource ID of image to add


The index returned is 0-based. Template:MacPC diff


Here's an annoying example of how to use icons in LB and get their status:

	kLB = 10;
	dialogID, int1, cnt, platform, macSubtract : INTEGER;
	bool : BOOLEAN;
	LBicon1, LBicon2 : INTEGER;
	LBiconCheck : INTEGER;
	LBiconUnCheck : INTEGER;
	tmpStr : STRING;
	PROCEDURE DialogHandler(VAR item : LONGINT; data : LONGINT);
		CASE item OF
				{ add some images to the image list }
				LBicon1 := AddLBImage(dialogID, kLB, 1, 11022);	{ 11022 = check mark icon }
				LBicon2 := AddLBImage(dialogID, kLB, 1, 11023);	{ 11023 = blank icon }

				{ insert the first column into the List Browser }
				int1 := InsertLBColumn(dialogID, kLB, 0, 'col 1', 60);

				{ insert the second column into the List Browser }
				int1 := InsertLBColumn(dialogID, kLB, 1, 'col 2', 80);

				{ set the control type of the columns, column1: multi state, column2: static }
				bool := SetLBControlType(dialogID, kLB, 0, 3);
				bool := SetLBControlType(dialogID, kLB, 1, 1);

				{ set the display type of the columns, column1: icon only, column2: text only }
				bool := SetLBItemDisplayType(dialogID, kLB, 0, 1);
				bool := SetLBItemDisplayType(dialogID, kLB, 1, 0);

				{ insert the icons into the first column so it can be used }
				LBiconCheck := InsertLBColumnDataItem(dialogID, kLB, 0, 'on', LBicon1, -1, 0);
				LBiconUnCheck := InsertLBColumnDataItem(dialogID, kLB, 0, 'off', LBicon2, -1, 0);

				{ fill the columns }
				FOR cnt:=0 TO 3 DO BEGIN
					int1 := InsertLBItem(dialogID, kLB, cnt, '');
					bool := SetLBItemInfo(dialogID, kLB, cnt, 1, Num2Str(0, cnt) ,0);

		kLB:	{ if the user has clicked in the LB }
				{ loop trough the rows }
				FOR cnt := 0 TO 3 DO BEGIN
					{ get the information of the first cel of the row }
					bool := GetLBItemInfo(dialogID, kLB, cnt, 0, tmpStr, int1);
					{ if the cell is checked... }
					IF (int1 = LBiconCheck) THEN 
						AlrtDialog(Concat('You checked row ', Num2Str(0, cnt+1), '.'));
		END; { case }

	{ we're going to use an icon out of the file "IP Resources", so let VW check first if this one is located in the Plug-Ins folder }
	IF SetVSResourceFile('IP Resources') THEN BEGIN
		{ create the Dialoglayout and put a ListBrowser in the dialog }
		dialogID := CreateLayout('', FALSE, 'OK', 'Cancel');
		CreateLB(dialogID, kLB, 50, 20);
		SetFirstLayoutItem(dialogID, kLB);
		{ run the dialog }
		int1 := RunLayoutDialog(dialogID, DialogHandler);


def DialogHandler(item, data):
	if(item ==  SetupDialogC):
		#{ add some images to the image list }
		LBicon1 = vs.AddLBImage(dialogID, kLB, 1, 11022)	#{ 11022 = check mark icon }
		LBicon2 = vs.AddLBImage(dialogID, kLB, 1, 11023)	#{ 11023 = blank icon }

		#{ insert the first column into the List Browser }
		int1 = vs.InsertLBColumn(dialogID, kLB, 0, 'col 1', 60)

		#{ insert the second column into the List Browser }
		int1 = vs.InsertLBColumn(dialogID, kLB, 1, 'col 2', 80)

		#{ set the control type of the columns, column1: multi state, column2: static }
		bool = vs.SetLBControlType(dialogID, kLB, 0, 3)
		bool = vs.SetLBControlType(dialogID, kLB, 1, 1)

		#{ set the display type of the columns, column1: icon only, column2: text only }
		bool = vs.SetLBItemDisplayType(dialogID, kLB, 0, 1)
		bool = vs.SetLBItemDisplayType(dialogID, kLB, 1, 0)

		#{ insert the icons into the first column so it can be used }
		LBiconCheck = vs.InsertLBColumnDataItem(dialogID, kLB, 0, 'on', LBicon1, -1, 0)
		LBiconUnCheck = vs.InsertLBColumnDataItem(dialogID, kLB, 0, 'off', LBicon2, -1, 0)

		#{ fill the columns }
		for cnt in range(0,3):
			int1 = vs.InsertLBItem(dialogID, kLB, cnt, '')
			bool = vs.SetLBItemInfo(dialogID, kLB, cnt, 1, vs.Num2Str(0, cnt) ,0)

	elif(item ==  kLB):
		#{ if the user has clicked in the LB }
		#{ loop trough the rows }
		for cnt in range(0,3):
			#{ get the information of the first cel of the row }
			bool = vs.GetLBItemInfo(dialogID, kLB, cnt, 0, tmpStr, int1);
			#{ if the cell is checked... }
			if (int1 == LBiconCheck): 
				vs.AlrtDialog(vs.Concat('You checked row ', vs.Num2Str(0, cnt+1), '.'));

def Test():
	global kLB, SetupDialogC, dialogID
	kLB = 10
	SetupDialogC = 12255
	#{ we're going to use an icon out of the file "IP Resources", so let VW check first if this one is located in the Plug-Ins folder }
	if vs.SetVSResourceFile('IP Resources'):
		#{ create the Dialoglayout and put a ListBrowser in the dialog }
		dialogID = vs.CreateLayout('', 0, 'OK', 'Cancel')
		vs.CreateLB(dialogID, kLB, 50, 20)
		vs.SetFirstLayoutItem(dialogID, kLB)
		#{ run the dialog }
		int1 = vs.RunLayoutDialog(dialogID, DialogHandler)


Availability: from VectorWorks 11.0

Deprecated: Vectorworks 2012

See Also

VS Functions:

VS:SetVSResourceFile | VS:CreateLB | VS:InsertLBColumn | VS:SetLBControlType | VS:SetLBItemDisplayType | VS:InsertLBColumnDataItem | VS:SetLBItemUsingColumnDataItem | VS:InsertLBItem | VS:EnableLBColumnLines

VS Functions:

[[VS:SetVSResourceFile]] | [[VS:CreateLB]] | [[VS:InsertLBColumn]] | [[VS:SetLBControlType]] | [[VS:SetLBItemDisplayType]] | [[VS:InsertLBColumnDataItem]] | [[VS:SetLBItemUsingColumnDataItem]] | [[VS:InsertLBItem]]

| [[VS:EnableLBColumnLines]]