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Menu Commands

The SDK supports two types of Menu Commands. A plug-in Menu Command can be either a single basic menu command or a block of several related menu commands, which is referred to as a menu chunk.

A Basic menu command implements a single menu item in a menu. Basic menu commands have no support for item checking, run-time item disabling, or multiple commands in a single plug-in. If you need any of these behaviors you can create a menu chunk.

A menu chunk displays several menu commands together in a menu, and shares the same source code. This is often desirable when the user needs to select between a group of related options that perform a very similar function.

Register Menu Extension

Registering the extension is done in the module main function. See SDK:Plug-in Module#The Plug-in Module Environment.

This code registers a menu extension implementation class 'CExtMenu' as such in the 'GROUPID_ExtensionMenu' VCOM grouping (groups are used to improve the performance of Vectorworks when enumerating the available extensions):

REGISTER_Extension<TesterModule::CExtMenu>( GROUPID_ExtensionMenu, action, pInfo, ioData, cbp, reply );

Extension Class Definition

namespace TesterModule
    using namespace VWFC::PluginSupport;

Note #1, see after the code block.
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    class CMenu_EventSink : public VWMenu_EventSink
                            CMenu_EventSink(IVWUnknown* parent);
        virtual             ~CMenu_EventSink();

        virtual void        DoInterface();

Note #2, see after the code block.
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    class CExtMenu : public VWExtensionMenu
                      CExtMenu(CallBackPtr cbp);
        virtual       ~CExtMenu();

Extension Class Implementation

using namespace TesterModule;

namespace TesterModule
Note #1, see after the code block.
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    static SMenuDef        gMenuDef = {
        /*Needs*/             0x00,
        /*NeedsNot*/          0x00,
        /*Title*/             {12000, 1},
        /*Category*/          {12000, 2},
        /*HelpText*/          {12000},
        /*VersionCreated*/    16,
        /*VersoinModified*/   0,
        /*VersoinRetired*/    0,
        /*ContextualHelpID*/  ""

Note #2, see after the code block.
    static SSTRResource    gMenuChunksDef[] = {
        { {12000, 4}, "" },
        { {12000, 5}, "" },
        { {12000, 6}, "" },
        { {12000, 7}, "" },
        { {12000, 8}, "" },
        { {NULL, NULL}, NULL }

Note #3, see after the code block.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// {6B6448A9-1DBB-4541-B2D7-862FB517C868}
    /*Extension class*/  CExtMenu,
    /*Event sink*/       CMenu_EventSink,
    /*Universal name*/   "CExtMenu",
    /*Version*/          1,
    /*UUID*/             0x6b6448a9, 0x1dbb, 0x4541, 0xb2, 0xd7, 0x86, 0x2f, 0xb5, 0x17, 0xc8, 0x68 );

Note #4, see after the code block.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CExtMenu::CExtMenu(CallBackPtr cbp)
    : VWExtensionMenu( cbp, gMenuDef, NULL )
//  : VWExtensionMenu( cbp, gMenuDef, gMenuChunksDef )


Note #5, see after the code block.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMenu_EventSink::CMenu_EventSink(IVWUnknown* parent)
    : VWMenu_EventSink( parent )


void CMenu_EventSink::DoInterface()
Note #6, see after the code block.
    gSDK->AlertInform( "hello menu command" );
  • Note #1 - Implementing VWFC:PluginSupport:VWExtensionMenu requires use of that structure to define the menu extension. Note that that structure contains localizable strings, which are referenced by their resource IDs.
  • Note #2 - If the menu command defined is required to be a chunk of sub menus, definition of this structure is needed to define the chunk menu items.
  • Note #3 - A macro that identifies the sink for the extension, the universal name, and the VCOM UUID.
  • Note #4 - Implementation of the custom menu extension. Use appropriate constructor depending if there is a chunk items or not.
  • Note #5 - Implementation of the custom menu event sink.
  • Note #6 - This is the function being called when the menu command is executed by the user.


These two fields each contain one word of flags, which determine the default highlighting behavior of the menu item. Needs specifies conditions which must exist for the menu item to be available, and NeedsNot specifies conditions which must not exist. The meaning of each bit of the two flag fields is identical:

Bit Meaning
0 VectorWorks Document is active.
1 Reserved
2 Reserved
3 Reserved
4 Reserved
5 Reserved
6 Reserved
7 There are one or more objects selected.
8 There is more than one object selected.
9 The selection contains at least one 2D object.
10 The selection contains at least one 3D object.
11 The current layer is in plan projection.
12 Reserved
13 Reserved
14 Reserved
15 Reserved

If Needs = 0 and NeedsNot = 0 then the item is always active.

If Needs and NeedsNot both have a corresponding flag set, the item is always inactive. The reserved flags should not be set and in particular Needs = 0xFFFF and NeedsNot = 0xFFFF is a reserved setting.

See Also