SDK:Layout Manager Control Positioning

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Generally, the Layout Manager handles the positioning of controls in the desired manner. In cases where the desired behavior is not achieved, developers can use three pixel-based adjustment functions available in both SDK and VS:

SetComponentSize<br\> GetComponentRect<br\> AdjustComponentPixelPos<br\>

Currently these functions can only be used in the event handler. Generally they are placed in the kSetupMessage event.


Boolean GS_SetComponentSize(CALLBACKPTR, long dialogID, long componentID, int nWidth, int nHeight)
// Description:
//   Sets the size of a Layout Manager component.
// Parameters:
//   dialogID		- input - id of the dialog that contains the control.
//   componentID	- input - id of the control.
//   nWidth		- input - the item's new width in pixels.
//   nHeight		- input - the item's new height in pixels.
// Returns:
//   CBBoolean		- 'TRUE'	if the operation was successful.
//			- 'FALSE'	otherwise.

CB_SetComponentSize(dialogID:LONGINT, componentID:LONGINT, 
nWidth, nHeight:INTEGER)
// Description:
//   Sets the size of a Layout Manager component.
// Parameters:
//   dialogID		- input - id of the dialog that contains the control.
//   componentID	- input - id of the control.
//   nWidth		- input - the item's new width in pixels.
//   nHeight		- input - the item's new height in pixels.
// Returns:
//   void


Boolean GS_GetComponentRect(CALLBACKPTR, long dialogID, long componentID, int& nLeft, int& nTop, int& nRight, int& nBottom)
// Description:
//   Retrieves the bounding rectangle of the specified Layout Manager control.
//   The coordinates are relative to the top-left corner of the dialog, which is at (0,0).
// Parameters:
//   dialogID		- input - id of the dialog that contains the control.
//   componentID	- input - id of the control.
//   nLeft		- output- the item's left coordinate.
//   nTop		- output- the item's top coordinate.
//   nRight		- output- the item's right coordinate.
//   nBottom		- output- the item's bottom coordinate.
// Returns:
//   CBBoolean		- 'TRUE'	if the operation was successful.
//			- 'FALSE'	otherwise.

CB_GetComponentRect(dialogID:LONGINT, componentID:LONGINT, 
VAR nLeft, VAR nTop, VAR nRight, VAR nBottom:INTEGER)
// Description:
//   Retrieves the bounding rectangle of the specified Layout Manager control.
//   The coordinates are relative to the top-left corner of the dialog, which is at (0,0).
// Parameters:
//   dialogID		- input - id of the dialog that contains the control.
//   componentID	- input - id of the control.
//   nLeft		- output- the item's left coordinate.
//   nTop		- output- the item's top coordinate.
//   nRight		- output- the item's right coordinate.
//   nBottom		- output- the item's bottom coordinate.
// Returns:
//   void


Boolean GS_AdjustComponentPixelPos(CALLBACKPTR, long dialogID, long componentID, int nHorizontal, int nVertical)
// Description:
//   Adjusts the pixel position of the specified Layout Manager control.
// Parameters:
//   dialogID		- input - id of the dialog that contains the control.
//   componentID	- input - id of the control.
//   nHorizontal	- input - horizontal amount to shift the control in pixels.
//   nVertical		- input - vertical amount to shift the control in pixels.
// Returns:
//   CBBoolean		- 'TRUE'	if the operation was successful.
//			- 'FALSE'	otherwise.

CB_AdjustComponentPixelPos(dialogID:LONGINT, componentID:LONGINT, 
nHorizontal, nVertical:INTEGER)
// Description:
//   Adjusts the pixel position of the specified Layout Manager control.
// Parameters:
//   dialogID		- input - id of the dialog that contains the control.
//   componentID	- input - id of the control.
//   nHorizontal	- input - horizontal amount to shift the control in pixels.
//   nVertical		- input - vertical amount to shift the control in pixels.
// Returns:
//   void

Sample Code

Below is sample VS code demonstrating how GetComponentRect and AdjustComponentPixelPos can be used to position icon radio buttons.

PROCEDURE dialog1_Main;


	kImageControl			= 3;

	kIconButton1			= 5;
	kIconButton2			= 6;
	kIconButton3			= 7;
	kIconButton4			= 8;

	kIconButton5			= 20;
	kIconButton6			= 21;

	kSetComponentSizeText		= 9;
	kGetComponentRectText		= 10;
	kAdjustPixelPosText		= 11;
	{kGetComponentTextWidth		= 12;}

	kTree				= 13;

	kClassPullDown			= 14;
	kDesignLayerPullDown		= 15;
	kSheetLayerPullDown		= 16;

	kEditBox			= 17;
	kStaticTextGroup		= 18;

	kIconButtonWidth		= 4;
	kPullDownWidth			= 27;

	strPullDownIndex	:STRING;
	strPath			:STRING;
	nDialogID        	:INTEGER;
	bResult			:BOOLEAN;

	nParent        		:INTEGER;
	nChild1        		:INTEGER;
	nChild2        		:INTEGER;

	nParent2        	:INTEGER;
	nChild3        		:INTEGER;
	nChild4        		:INTEGER;
	nButtonLeft   		:INTEGER;
	nButtonTop   		:INTEGER;
	nButtonRight   		:INTEGER;
	nButtonBottom  		:INTEGER;
	nButtonStartXCoord	:INTEGER;
	nButtonWidth   		:INTEGER;

PROCEDURE dialog1_Setup;

	nDialogID := CreateLayout('LM Improvements', true, 'OK', 'Cancel');

	CreateImageControl			(nDialogID, kImageControl, 110, 72, nil);

	CreateIconPushButton			(nDialogID, kIconButton5, 1570,		kIconButtonWidth);
	CreateIconPushButton			(nDialogID, kIconButton6, 1486,		kIconButtonWidth);

	CreateIconPushButton			(nDialogID, kIconButton1, 1485,		kIconButtonWidth);
	CreateIconPushButton			(nDialogID, kIconButton2, 1486,		kIconButtonWidth);
	CreateIconPushButton			(nDialogID, kIconButton3, 1487,		kIconButtonWidth);
	CreateIconPushButton			(nDialogID, kIconButton4, 1488,		kIconButtonWidth);
	CreateGroupBox				(nDialogID, kStaticTextGroup,		'New Pixel-Based Functions', true);

	CreateStaticText			(nDialogID, kSetComponentSizeText,	'SetComponentSize',		-1);
	CreateStaticText			(nDialogID, kGetComponentRectText,	'GetComponentRect',		-1);
	CreateStaticText			(nDialogID, kAdjustPixelPosText,	'AdjustComponentPixelPos    ',	-1);

	CreateTreeControl			(nDialogID, kTree,			27, 8);

	CreateClassPullDownMenu			(nDialogID, kClassPullDown,		kPullDownWidth);
	CreateDesignLayerPullDownMenu		(nDialogID, kDesignLayerPullDown,	kPullDownWidth);
	CreateSheetLayerPullDownMenu		(nDialogID, kSheetLayerPullDown,	kPullDownWidth);
	CreateEditText				(nDialogID, kEditBox,			'Casework-LowerKitchenCounterTop-Marble-1', kPullDownWidth);

	SetFirstLayoutItem			(nDialogID, kImageControl);

	SetBelowItem				(nDialogID, kImageControl,		kIconButton5, 0, 0);
	{SetRightItem				(nDialogID, kIconButton5,		kIconButton6, 0, 0);}
	SetBelowItem				(nDialogID, kIconButton5,		kIconButton1, 0, 0);
	SetRightItem				(nDialogID, kIconButton1,		kIconButton2, 0, 0);
	SetRightItem				(nDialogID, kIconButton2,		kIconButton3, 0, 0);
	SetRightItem				(nDialogID, kIconButton3,		kIconButton4, 0, 0);

	SetBelowItem				(nDialogID, kIconButton1,		kStaticTextGroup, 0, 0);

	SetFirstGroupItem			(nDialogID, kStaticTextGroup,		kSetComponentSizeText);
	SetBelowItem				(nDialogID, kSetComponentSizeText,	kGetComponentRectText, 0, 0);
	SetBelowItem				(nDialogID, kGetComponentRectText,	kAdjustPixelPosText, 0, 0);
	{SetBelowItem				(nDialogID, kAdjustPixelPosText,	kGetComponentTextWidth, 0, 4);}
	SetBelowItem				(nDialogID, kStaticTextGroup,		kTree, 0, 2);
	SetBelowItem				(nDialogID, kTree,			kClassPullDown, 0, 1);
	SetBelowItem				(nDialogID, kClassPullDown,		kDesignLayerPullDown, 0, 0);
	SetBelowItem				(nDialogID, kDesignLayerPullDown,	kSheetLayerPullDown, 0, 0);
	SetBelowItem				(nDialogID, kSheetLayerPullDown,	kEditBox, 0, 0);


PROCEDURE dialog1_Handler(VAR item :LONGINT; data :LONGINT);
	CASE item OF
				strPath := 'C:\splash.jpg';
				bResult := SetImageControlPath(nDialogID, kImageControl, strPath);		
				bResult := GetComponentRect(nDialogID, kIconButton1, nButtonLeft, nButtonTop, nButtonRight, nButtonBottom);				
				nButtonStartXCoord := nButtonLeft;
				nButtonWidth := nButtonRight - nButtonLeft;

				bResult := GetComponentRect(nDialogID, kIconButton2, nButtonLeft, nButtonTop, nButtonRight, nButtonBottom);		
				bResult := AdjustComponentPixelPos(nDialogID, kIconButton2, -nButtonLeft, 0);	
				bResult := AdjustComponentPixelPos(nDialogID, kIconButton2, nButtonStartXCoord + nButtonWidth, 0);
				bResult := GetComponentRect(nDialogID, kIconButton3, nButtonLeft, nButtonTop, nButtonRight, nButtonBottom);		
				bResult := AdjustComponentPixelPos(nDialogID, kIconButton3, -nButtonLeft, 0);
				bResult := AdjustComponentPixelPos(nDialogID, kIconButton3, nButtonStartXCoord + nButtonWidth * 2, 0);
				bResult := GetComponentRect(nDialogID, kIconButton4, nButtonLeft, nButtonTop, nButtonRight, nButtonBottom);		
				bResult := AdjustComponentPixelPos(nDialogID, kIconButton4, -nButtonLeft, 0);
				bResult := AdjustComponentPixelPos(nDialogID, kIconButton4, nButtonStartXCoord + nButtonWidth * 3, 0);

				nParent  := InsertTreeControlItem(nDialogID, kTree, 'D:\', -1, -1);
				nChild1  := InsertTreeControlItem(nDialogID, kTree, '', nParent, -1);
				nChild2  := InsertTreeControlItem(nDialogID, kTree, '', nParent, -1);

				nParent2 := InsertTreeControlItem(nDialogID, kTree, 'C:\', -1, -1);
				nChild3  := InsertTreeControlItem(nDialogID, kTree, 'MyProjects', nParent2, -1);
				nChild4  := InsertTreeControlItem(nDialogID, kTree, '', nChild3, -1);
				bResult := InsertProposedClassOrLayerItem(nDialogID, kSheetLayerPullDown, 'Window Spec', 0);
				bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton1, true);
				bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton2, false);
				bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton3, false);
				bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton4, false);
				bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton1, false);
				bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton2, true);
				bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton3, false);
				bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton4, false);
				bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton1, false);
				bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton2, false);
				bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton3, true);
				bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton4, false);
				bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton1, false);
				bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton2, false);
				bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton3, false);
				bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton4, true);

	IF RunLayoutDialog(nDialogID, dialog1_Handler) = 1 then BEGIN

