SDK:Layout Manager Control Positioning
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Generally, the Layout Manager handles the positioning of controls in the desired manner. In cases where the desired behavior is not achieved, developers can use three pixel-based adjustment functions available in both SDK and VS:
SetComponentSize<br\> GetComponentRect<br\> AdjustComponentPixelPos<br\>
Currently these functions can only be used in the event handler. Generally they are placed in the kSetupMessage event.
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boolean GS_SetComponentSize(CALLBACKPTR, long dialogID, long componentID, int nWidth, int nHeight) // // Description: // Sets the size of a Layout Manager component. // // Parameters: // dialogID - input - id of the dialog that contains the control. // componentID - input - id of the control. // nWidth - input - the item's new width in pixels. // nHeight - input - the item's new height in pixels. // // Returns: // CBBoolean - 'TRUE' if the operation was successful. // - 'FALSE' otherwise. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CB_SetComponentSize(dialogID:LONGINT, componentID:LONGINT, nWidth, nHeight:INTEGER) // // Description: // Sets the size of a Layout Manager component. // // Parameters: // dialogID - input - id of the dialog that contains the control. // componentID - input - id of the control. // nWidth - input - the item's new width in pixels. // nHeight - input - the item's new height in pixels. // // Returns: // void
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boolean GS_GetComponentRect(CALLBACKPTR, long dialogID, long componentID, int& nLeft, int& nTop, int& nRight, int& nBottom) // // Description: // Retrieves the bounding rectangle of the specified Layout Manager control. // The coordinates are relative to the top-left corner of the dialog, which is at (0,0). // // Parameters: // dialogID - input - id of the dialog that contains the control. // componentID - input - id of the control. // nLeft - output- the item's left coordinate. // nTop - output- the item's top coordinate. // nRight - output- the item's right coordinate. // nBottom - output- the item's bottom coordinate. // // Returns: // CBBoolean - 'TRUE' if the operation was successful. // - 'FALSE' otherwise. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CB_GetComponentRect(dialogID:LONGINT, componentID:LONGINT, VAR nLeft, VAR nTop, VAR nRight, VAR nBottom:INTEGER) // // Description: // Retrieves the bounding rectangle of the specified Layout Manager control. // The coordinates are relative to the top-left corner of the dialog, which is at (0,0). // // Parameters: // dialogID - input - id of the dialog that contains the control. // componentID - input - id of the control. // nLeft - output- the item's left coordinate. // nTop - output- the item's top coordinate. // nRight - output- the item's right coordinate. // nBottom - output- the item's bottom coordinate. // // Returns: // void
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boolean GS_AdjustComponentPixelPos(CALLBACKPTR, long dialogID, long componentID, int nHorizontal, int nVertical) // // Description: // Adjusts the pixel position of the specified Layout Manager control. // // Parameters: // dialogID - input - id of the dialog that contains the control. // componentID - input - id of the control. // nHorizontal - input - horizontal amount to shift the control in pixels. // nVertical - input - vertical amount to shift the control in pixels. // // Returns: // CBBoolean - 'TRUE' if the operation was successful. // - 'FALSE' otherwise. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CB_AdjustComponentPixelPos(dialogID:LONGINT, componentID:LONGINT, nHorizontal, nVertical:INTEGER) // // Description: // Adjusts the pixel position of the specified Layout Manager control. // // Parameters: // dialogID - input - id of the dialog that contains the control. // componentID - input - id of the control. // nHorizontal - input - horizontal amount to shift the control in pixels. // nVertical - input - vertical amount to shift the control in pixels. // // Returns: // void
Sample Code
Below is sample VS code demonstrating how GetComponentRect and AdjustComponentPixelPos can be used to position icon radio buttons.
{---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE dialog1_Main; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} CONST kImageControl = 3; kIconButton1 = 5; kIconButton2 = 6; kIconButton3 = 7; kIconButton4 = 8; kIconButton5 = 20; kIconButton6 = 21; kSetComponentSizeText = 9; kGetComponentRectText = 10; kAdjustPixelPosText = 11; {kGetComponentTextWidth = 12;} kTree = 13; kClassPullDown = 14; kDesignLayerPullDown = 15; kSheetLayerPullDown = 16; kEditBox = 17; kStaticTextGroup = 18; kIconButtonWidth = 4; kPullDownWidth = 27; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} VAR strPullDownIndex :STRING; strPath :STRING; nDialogID :INTEGER; bResult :BOOLEAN; nParent :INTEGER; nChild1 :INTEGER; nChild2 :INTEGER; nParent2 :INTEGER; nChild3 :INTEGER; nChild4 :INTEGER; nButtonLeft :INTEGER; nButtonTop :INTEGER; nButtonRight :INTEGER; nButtonBottom :INTEGER; nButtonStartXCoord :INTEGER; nButtonWidth :INTEGER; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE dialog1_Setup; BEGIN nDialogID := CreateLayout('LM Improvements', true, 'OK', 'Cancel'); CreateImageControl (nDialogID, kImageControl, 110, 72, nil); CreateIconPushButton (nDialogID, kIconButton5, 1570, kIconButtonWidth); CreateIconPushButton (nDialogID, kIconButton6, 1486, kIconButtonWidth); CreateIconPushButton (nDialogID, kIconButton1, 1485, kIconButtonWidth); CreateIconPushButton (nDialogID, kIconButton2, 1486, kIconButtonWidth); CreateIconPushButton (nDialogID, kIconButton3, 1487, kIconButtonWidth); CreateIconPushButton (nDialogID, kIconButton4, 1488, kIconButtonWidth); CreateGroupBox (nDialogID, kStaticTextGroup, 'New Pixel-Based Functions', true); CreateStaticText (nDialogID, kSetComponentSizeText, 'SetComponentSize', -1); CreateStaticText (nDialogID, kGetComponentRectText, 'GetComponentRect', -1); CreateStaticText (nDialogID, kAdjustPixelPosText, 'AdjustComponentPixelPos ', -1); CreateTreeControl (nDialogID, kTree, 27, 8); CreateClassPullDownMenu (nDialogID, kClassPullDown, kPullDownWidth); CreateDesignLayerPullDownMenu (nDialogID, kDesignLayerPullDown, kPullDownWidth); CreateSheetLayerPullDownMenu (nDialogID, kSheetLayerPullDown, kPullDownWidth); CreateEditText (nDialogID, kEditBox, 'Casework-LowerKitchenCounterTop-Marble-1', kPullDownWidth); SetFirstLayoutItem (nDialogID, kImageControl); SetBelowItem (nDialogID, kImageControl, kIconButton5, 0, 0); {SetRightItem (nDialogID, kIconButton5, kIconButton6, 0, 0);} SetBelowItem (nDialogID, kIconButton5, kIconButton1, 0, 0); SetRightItem (nDialogID, kIconButton1, kIconButton2, 0, 0); SetRightItem (nDialogID, kIconButton2, kIconButton3, 0, 0); SetRightItem (nDialogID, kIconButton3, kIconButton4, 0, 0); SetBelowItem (nDialogID, kIconButton1, kStaticTextGroup, 0, 0); SetFirstGroupItem (nDialogID, kStaticTextGroup, kSetComponentSizeText); SetBelowItem (nDialogID, kSetComponentSizeText, kGetComponentRectText, 0, 0); SetBelowItem (nDialogID, kGetComponentRectText, kAdjustPixelPosText, 0, 0); {SetBelowItem (nDialogID, kAdjustPixelPosText, kGetComponentTextWidth, 0, 4);} SetBelowItem (nDialogID, kStaticTextGroup, kTree, 0, 2); SetBelowItem (nDialogID, kTree, kClassPullDown, 0, 1); SetBelowItem (nDialogID, kClassPullDown, kDesignLayerPullDown, 0, 0); SetBelowItem (nDialogID, kDesignLayerPullDown, kSheetLayerPullDown, 0, 0); SetBelowItem (nDialogID, kSheetLayerPullDown, kEditBox, 0, 0); END; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE dialog1_Handler(VAR item :LONGINT; data :LONGINT); BEGIN CASE item OF SetupDialogC: BEGIN strPath := 'C:\splash.jpg'; bResult := SetImageControlPath(nDialogID, kImageControl, strPath); bResult := GetComponentRect(nDialogID, kIconButton1, nButtonLeft, nButtonTop, nButtonRight, nButtonBottom); nButtonStartXCoord := nButtonLeft; nButtonWidth := nButtonRight - nButtonLeft; bResult := GetComponentRect(nDialogID, kIconButton2, nButtonLeft, nButtonTop, nButtonRight, nButtonBottom); bResult := AdjustComponentPixelPos(nDialogID, kIconButton2, -nButtonLeft, 0); bResult := AdjustComponentPixelPos(nDialogID, kIconButton2, nButtonStartXCoord + nButtonWidth, 0); bResult := GetComponentRect(nDialogID, kIconButton3, nButtonLeft, nButtonTop, nButtonRight, nButtonBottom); bResult := AdjustComponentPixelPos(nDialogID, kIconButton3, -nButtonLeft, 0); bResult := AdjustComponentPixelPos(nDialogID, kIconButton3, nButtonStartXCoord + nButtonWidth * 2, 0); bResult := GetComponentRect(nDialogID, kIconButton4, nButtonLeft, nButtonTop, nButtonRight, nButtonBottom); bResult := AdjustComponentPixelPos(nDialogID, kIconButton4, -nButtonLeft, 0); bResult := AdjustComponentPixelPos(nDialogID, kIconButton4, nButtonStartXCoord + nButtonWidth * 3, 0); nParent := InsertTreeControlItem(nDialogID, kTree, 'D:\', -1, -1); nChild1 := InsertTreeControlItem(nDialogID, kTree, '', nParent, -1); nChild2 := InsertTreeControlItem(nDialogID, kTree, '', nParent, -1); nParent2 := InsertTreeControlItem(nDialogID, kTree, 'C:\', -1, -1); nChild3 := InsertTreeControlItem(nDialogID, kTree, 'MyProjects', nParent2, -1); nChild4 := InsertTreeControlItem(nDialogID, kTree, '', nChild3, -1); bResult := InsertProposedClassOrLayerItem(nDialogID, kSheetLayerPullDown, 'Window Spec', 0); END; kIconButton1: BEGIN bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton1, true); bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton2, false); bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton3, false); bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton4, false); END; kIconButton2: BEGIN bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton1, false); bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton2, true); bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton3, false); bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton4, false); END; kIconButton3: BEGIN bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton1, false); bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton2, false); bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton3, true); bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton4, false); END; kIconButton4: BEGIN bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton1, false); bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton2, false); bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton3, false); bResult := SetIconPushButtonState(nDialogID, kIconButton4, true); END; END; END; BEGIN dialog1_Setup; IF RunLayoutDialog(nDialogID, dialog1_Handler) = 1 then BEGIN END; END; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} RUN(dialog1_Main);