SDK:Enumerate The Color Palettes

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By Vladislav Stanev

What's that

Vectorworks ships with a set of default color palettes defined as XML files in the default content folders. Each color palette contains a set of named color definitions.

Each Vectorworks document has a color palette defined within the document. This palette is accessible through the VCOM IDocumentColorTable interface. The document color palette is dynamically modified by Vectorworks as new colors are being used by the user.

Enumerate Default Color Palettes Available in Vectorworks

using namespace VectorWorks;
using namespace VectorWorks::Filing;

class CColorPalettesCollection : public IFolderContentListener
  virtual EFolderContentListenerResult  OnFolderContent(IFolderIdentifier* folderID)
    return eFolderContentListenerResult_StopNoError;

  virtual EFolderContentListenerResult  OnFileContent(IFileIdentifier* fileID)
    IXMLFilePtr  xmlFile( IID_XMLFile );
    if ( VCOM_SUCCEEDED( xmlFile->ReadFile( fileID ) ) )
      SColorPaletteDef  colorPaletteDef;
      xmlFile->GetSimpleValue( "ColorPalette/N", colorPaletteDef.fName );

      TXString      nodePath, nodeValue;
      TXStringSTLArray  arrTokens;
      for(size_t i=0; ; ++i)
        SColorRecord  colorRecord;

        nodePath.Format( "ColorPalette/ColorList/C[%d]/N", i );
        colorRecord.fColorName  = xmlFile->GetSimpleValue( nodePath, "" );
        if ( colorRecord.fColorName.IsEmpty() )
          break;  // STOP!

        nodePath.Format( "ColorPalette/ColorList/C[%d]/D", i );
        nodeValue  = xmlFile->GetSimpleValue( nodePath, "" );
        if ( nodeValue.IsEmpty() )
          break;  // STOP!

        TXStringExt::Tokenize( nodeValue, arrTokens, ",", 1 );
        if ( arrTokens.size() != 4 )
          break;  // STOP!

        colorRecord.fCyan    = (float) arrTokens[ 0 ].atof(); 
        colorRecord.fMagenta = (float) arrTokens[ 1 ].atof();
        colorRecord.fYellow  = (float) arrTokens[ 2 ].atof();
        colorRecord.fKey     = (float) arrTokens[ 3 ].atof();

        colorPaletteDef.farrColors.push_back( colorRecord );

      farrColorPaletteDefs.push_back( colorPaletteDef );
    return eFolderContentListenerResult_Continue;

  typedef std::vector<SColorRecord>  TColorRecordsArray;

  struct SColorPaletteDef
    TXString            fName;
    TColorRecordsArray  farrColors;

  typedef std::vector<SColorPaletteDef>  TColorPaletteDefsArray;

  TColorPaletteDefsArray  farrColorPaletteDefs;
void CMenu_EventSink::DoInterface()
  CColorPalettesCollection  theCollection;

  // collect all color palettes
  IApplicationFoldersPtr  appFolders( IID_ApplicationFolders );
  appFolders->ForEachFileInStandardFolder( &theCollection, kDefaultColorPalettesFolder );

Enumerate The Color Palette of the Current Document

void CMenu_EventSink::DoInterface()
  CRGBColor	myColor( 255, 0, 0 );

  VCOMPtr<IDocumentColorTable>	documentColorTable( IID_DocumentColorTable );

  SColorRecord	colorRecord;
  documentColorTable->GetColorRecord( myColor.GetColorIndex(), colorRecord );

See also