Python Sample Import Images as Symbols

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.Python|Python ..VS:Function Reference|Function Reference ..VS:Function_Reference_Appendix|Appendix ..Python Debugging|Debugging with Python

How to install

Create a new Vectorworks document and add a new Script resource in the resource browser. Use the text below for the script and make sure you select Python language.

How the sample works

import os

major, minor, maintenance, platform = vs.GetVersion()
isMac = False
if platform == 1: isMac = True

# define a location to import the images
importPt = (0,0)

symCreatedCnt = 0

err, dirPath = vs.GetFolder( 'Select a Folder' )
if err == 0: # no-error
	hsfDirPath = dirPath
	if isMac: ok, hsfDirPath = vs.ConvertPosix2HSFPath( dirPath )

	fileIndex = 1
	while True: # loop the files
		fileName = vs.GetFilesInFolder( hsfDirPath, fileIndex )
		fileIndex += 1

		if fileName == '': # no more files

		name, ext = os.path.splitext( fileName )
		if ext.lower() == '.png' or ext.lower() == '.jpg':
			imagePath = os.path.join( dirPath, fileName )

			vs.BeginSym( name )
			hImage = vs.ImportImageFile( imagePath, importPt )
			symCreatedCnt += 1

vs.AlrtDialog( 'Done! Created ', symCreatedCnt , ' symbols.' )

See Also

Python basic information: Python

Script Function Reference