Marionette Node Reference

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  • Special thanks to user Tui Walker Kamakorewa for his work on this reference.


An Attributes node.


Attributes - Assigns this node's attributes to the input object

Attributes - Get Operations

Get Arrow Style - Returns the arrow style parameters for the indicated object

Get Object Marker - Gets all properties for the specified marker of an object

Get Class - Returns the class assigned to the referenced object. A string "None" is returned if the object has no class assigned to it

Get Opacity - Returns the opacity of an object. Opacity is obtained as percentage value in range [0, 100]

Get Description - Retrieves any description text that exists for a specified object

Get Entity Matrix - Returns the matrix of the plane for a planar object

Get View Matrix - Returns the view matrix for a layer or viewport object

Get Opacity By Class - Determines whether the object is using a class opacity

Get Fill - Returns the fill properties of the referenced object

Get Line Attribute - Returns the line attributes of the referenced object

Get Fill Points - Returns start and axis end points of the fill. Note: only works with 2D objects that have a gradient or image fill

Get Marker - Returns marker information of the referenced object

Attributes - Set Operations

Set Arrow Style Sets the arrow style parameters for the indicated object

Set Class Assigns a class to the referenced object

Set Description Sets the user-supplied description for an object. Adds the description data node if one does not already exist

Set Entity Matrix Sets the matrix of the plane for a planar object. If there is already a plane in the document with that matrix, the object will be set to be in that plane. Otherwise a new plane will be added to the document

Set Fill Sets the fill attributes of the specified object

Set Fill Color By Class Sets the referenced object to use the class attribute fill colors

Set Fill Pattern By Class Sets the referenced object to use the class attribute fill pattern

Set Line Attribute Sets the line attributes of the referenced object

Set Line Style By Class Sets the referenced object to use the class attribute line style

Set Line Weight By Class Sets the referenced object to use the class attribute line weight

Set Marker Specifies marker information for the referenced object - OBSOLETE procedure: Use SetObjBeginningMarker and/or SetObjEndMarker instead.

Set Marker By Class Sets the referenced object to use the class attribute marker style. Sets it so that the class arrow style is used for the referenced object

Set Object Marker Sets all properties of an object's marker

Set Opacity Sets the opacity of the object to the opacity passed in

Set Opacity By Class Sets the specified class to use the class opacity. If you set opacity to an object inside parametric the actual opacity will be combined with the opacity of the parametric object itself

Set Pen Color By Class Sets the referenced object to use the class attribute pen colors

Set View Matrix Sets view matrix for layer or viewport object

Set Text Style By Class Sets the referenced object to use the class text style. To undo this, use SetTextStyleRef on the object

Thumbnail Preview For a given VectorWorks resource (i.e. Hatch, Texture, Symbol/PIO, etc...), this function will create or update it's thumbnail preview

Attributes - Conditionals

Is Fill Color By Class Returns whether class fill colors are used for the referenced object

Is Fill Pattern By Class Returns whether a class fill pattern is used for the referenced object

Is Line Style By Class Returns whether a class line style is used for the referenced object

Is Line Weight By Class Returns whether a class line weight is used for the referenced object

Is Marker By Class Returns whether a class marker style is used for the referenced object

Is Object Flipped Returns the flip orientation of the specified 3D object. This function works for sweeps, extrudes, multiple extrudes, symbols, solids, layer references, and plug-in objects

Is Pen Color By Class Returns whether class pen colors are used for the referenced object

Is Text Style By Class Determines whether the class text style is used for the referenced object


A Classes node.

Set Pen Color Sets the pen color of the specified class

Set Style to Hatch Pattern Sets the class fill style to use the specified hatch pattern

Set Fill Pattern Sets the fill pattern of the specified class. To apply a bitmap fill pattern, use a positive value corresponding to the desired fill pattern index. To apply a vector fill, use the negative of the index of the vector fill (index * -1)

Set Line Style Sets the line style of the specified class

Set Class Opacity Sets the opacity persentage of a class. The opacity is specified by percentage value in range [0, 100]

Get Class Marker Get all properties for the named class marker

Set Line Weight Sets the line weight of the specified class

Get Class Opacity Returns the opacity of the specified class

Set Text Style Usage Controls whether the text style of the specified class is used at object creation

Get Pen Color Returns the pen color setting of the specified class

Show Class Sets the visibility of the specified class to normal (visible) status

Set Fill Color Sets the fill color depending on the selection. Must be an RGB component of desired color. RGB values are in the range of 0-65535

Set Texture Usage Toggles the document setting for using the texture attributes of the specified class at object creation

Get Text Style Returns the text style of the specified class

Get Class Options Returns the class visibility setting for the active document

Get Visibility Status Returns the visibility status of the specified class

Set Text Style Sets the text style of the specified class.

Gray Class Sets the visibility of the specified class to grayed status

Set Graphic Usage Toggles the document setting for using the graphic attributes of the specified class at object creation

Hide Class Sets the class visibility of the specified class to hidden (invisible) status

Get Fill Color Returns the fill background or foreground color setting of the specified class

Get Class List Returns the name of a class at a given index in the document class list. For example, ClassList(4) will return the name of the fourth class in the list

Is Text Style Used Returns whether the text style of the specified class is used at object creation

Get Fill Pattern Returns the fill or hatch pattern of the specified class

Set Class Options Sets class visibility setting for the active document

Is Graphic Used Returns whether the text style of the specified class is used at object creation

Set Class Marker Sets all the properties for the named class marker

Get Hatch Pattern Returns the name of the hatch pattern setting of the specified class. An empty string will be returned if the class does not use a hatch pattern

Rename Class Renames the specified class. All objects assigned to the class are being renamed are updated

Default Opacity Sets the document default settings to the opacity of the active class

Name Class Creates a new class in a VectorWorks document, which will then become the active class. If the specified class already exists, then it will become the active class of the document. Note: Class names cannot exceed 63 characters

Get Line Style Returns the line style of the specified class

Delete Class Deletes the specified class from the active document. If there are objects in the class to be deleted, they are reassigned to the "None" class

Default Fill Color Sets the default document fill colors to the fill colors of the active class

Get Line Weight Returns the line weight of the specified class

Default Line Style Sets the default document line style to the line style of the active class

Get Active Class Returns the name of the active class of the document

Get Class Count Returns the total number of classes in the active document

Default Line Weight Sets the default document line weight to the line weight of the active class

Default Fill Pattern Sets the default document fill pattern to the fill pattern of the active class

Default Pen Color Sets the default document pen colors to the pen colors of the active class

Data Flow

A Data Flow node.

Remove At Removes the item from the input list at the specified index and returns it. If a list of indices is given, the node will do the removal for each index, and a list of removed items will be returned

Repeat Create a list from the input item repeated n times

Reverse List Reverse the items of the list

Rotate List Rotate the items in a list a specified number of times

Sequence Creates a sequence of numbers x: for x = start : while (x < stop) x += step If not connected:

 start = 0
 stop = 1
 step = 1

Series Creates a series of numbers beginning at start and increasing by step for count cycles If not connected:

 start = 0
 step = 1
 count = 1

Set Item Sets the element at a specified index in an input list to the input item's value. If lists of items and indices are given, the node will traverse through all the items and do the modifications on the input list

'Slice ' Slices the list from start to end indices, with the specified step count. If not connected:

 start = 0
 stop = the length of the list
 step = 1

Slice Set Sets the value of the input item to the slice of the list from start to end indices, with the specified step count. This operation will substitute the slice with the specified value. If not connected:

 start = 0
 stop = the length of the list
 step = 1

Sort Sorts the elements in a list

Unzip Unzips a list alternatively to each output list

Zip Zips 2 lists into 1, alternating between each list


A Debug node.

Dummy End This is a dummy node that doesn't do anything. It is used to connect the ends of sub-networks to initate their execution.

Test List This node will test if the input list length matches the expected length. Optionaly it will also test the list contents. If the test fails the node will turn red and an alert dialog will be shown.

Test List At This node will test the value at a specified index within a list. If the values don't match, the node with turn red and an alert dialog will be shown.

Test Value This node will test if the input value matches the expected value. If the values dont match, the node with turn red and an alert dialog will be shown.


An Input node.

Any Create any value using the python eval function

Bool Generates a True or False value from a checkbox in the OIP

Control Geometry When used in the definition network of a Marionette Object, returns the first object in the Control Geometry group. Not useable outside of an object

Dim A real value with units

Int An integer value

Name Get a named object in the drawing

Objs by Crit Returns a list of objects meeting the input criteria

Point2 This node represents position in 2D space defined in the OIP, optionaly with units

Point3 This node represents position in 3D space, defined in the OIP

Real A Real value defined in the OIP in document units

String A text string defined in the OIP

Vec2 This node produces a 2 dimensional vector

Vec3 This node produces a 3 dimensional vector


A Layers node.

Layers - Common

Get Active Layer Returns the current active layer in the document

Layer Creates a new layer in a VectorWorks document. After creation, the new layer becomes the active layer of the document. If the layer name passed to the procedure already exists, the procedure switches the active layer to the specified layer

Get Layer Returns the layer of the referenced object

Layer With Type Creates a layer of the specified type

Set Layer Adds an object to a specified layer

Layers - Others

Get First Layer Returns the first layer object in a VectorWorks document

Get Last Layer Returns the last layer object in a VectorWorks document

Get Layer By Name Returns a layer object given its name

Get Layer Count Returns the current number of layers within the active document

Get Layer Elevation Gets the elevation and thickness of the specified layer

Get Layer Name Returns the name of the referenced layer

Get Layer Visibility Returns the visibility of the referenced layer

Get Z Values Returns the Z (layer base elevation) and delta Z (layer thickness) values for the active layer

Get Object Count Returns the number of objects on the referenced layer

Hide Active Layer Sets the visibility status of the active layer to hidden. Objects on hidden layers will not be viewable from other layers

Set Z Values Sets the Z (layer base elevation) and delta Z (layer thickness) for the active layer

Show Active Layer Sets the visibility status of the active layer to visible. Newly created layers always defaulted to the Show mode


A Math node.

Math - Basic Math

div floored Floored division c = a / b

shift x shifted by n bits. Direction determined by the parameter

and bitwise and of x and y

xor bitwise exclusive or of x and y

or bitwise or of x and y

round x rounded to n digits, rounding half to even. If n is not connected, it defaults to 0

max Return the largest number

min Return the smaller number

invert the inverted state of x

float x converted to floating point

int x converted to integer

bool x converted to boolean True or False

abs absolute value of magnitude of x

negative y = - x

sub list Subtract all values: out = list[0] - list[1] - ...

mul list Multiply all values: out = list[0] * list[1] * ...

add list Add all values: out = list[0] + list[1] + ...

sub Subtract two numbers: c = a - b

div Divide two numbers: c = a / b

mul Multiply two inputs: c = a * b

add Add two numbers: c = a + b

less equal b = (x <= y)

greater equal b = (x >= y)

greater b = (x > y)

less b = (x < y)

not equal b = (x != y)

equal b = (x == y)

Math - Linear Algebra

Normalize Normalizes a Vector

Matrix Rows Get the matrix (x,y,z) of the specified row

Matrix Columns Get the matrix (x,y,z,off) of the specified column

Flip Flip the input matrix

Invert Returns an inverted matrix of the given matrix.

Is Identity Checks whether the current matrix is an identity matrix.

Matrix Rotation Create a new rotation matrix that is used to perform a rotation.

Matrix Translation Create a new translation matrix that is used to perform a location change (translation).

Matrix Scale Create a new scale matrix that is used to perform a scale change.

Is Flipped Checks whether a given matrix is already flipped.

Rotate XYZ Applies a rotation to the input matrix around the specified axis: X,Y or Z, with the given angle. There are two options of how the rotation is applied to the input matrix: after or before.

Rotate Round Point Applies a rotation to the input matrix. The rotation is defined by a center point and rotation angles around the three axis.

Scale After Applies a scaling to the input matrix.

Scale With Center Applies a scaling to the input matrix (after) with the respect to a given point.

Transpose Returns the transpose of a matrix. The transpose of a matrix is a new matrix whose rows are the columns of the original. This operation will leave the translation unchanged and only the rotation part of the matrix will be transposed

Translate Applies a translation to the input matrix. There are two options of how the translation is applied to the input matrix: after or before.

Inverse Point Transform Inverse transforms the 2D/3D input point with the specified matrix

Point Transform Transforms the 2D/3D input point with the specified matrix

Set Matrix Set a matrix row. Set only the values that are connected and return the result matrix

Matrix Create a matrix

Math - Number-Theoretic and Representation

ldexp Return x * (2^i). This is essentially the inverse of function frexp().

trunc Return the Real value x truncated to an Integral (usually an integer)

modf Return the fractional and integer parts of x

isnan Return True if x is a NaN (not a number), and False otherwise

isinf Return True if x is a positive or negative infinity, and False otherwise.

isfinite Return True if x is neither an infinity nor a NaN, and False otherwise. (Note that 0.0 is considered finite.)

frexp Return the mantissa and exponent of x as the pair (m, e). This is used to "pick apart" the internal representation of a float in a portable way

divmod Return the pair: floor division and mod of x and y

mod res = x % y Left over after division

floor Return the floor of x, the largest integer less than or equal to x

factorial Return x factorial

abs float Return the absolute value of x. The returned value is a float number

copysign Return a float with the magnitude (absolute value) of x but the sign specified

ceil Return the ceiling of x, the smallest integer greater than or equal to x

Math - Power and Logarithmic

exp y = e ^ x

expm1 y = e ^ x - 1 For small reals x, the subtraction can result in a significant loss of precision This function provides a way to compute this quantity to full precision

sqrt Return the square root of x

pow Return x raised to the power y. Exceptional cases: pow(1.0, x) and pow(x, 0.0) always return 1.0, even when x is a zero or a NaN. If both x and y are finite, x is negative, and y is not an integer then pow(x, y) is undefined, and raises ValueError

log1p Return the natural logarithm of 1+x (base e). The result is calculated in a way which is accurate for x near zero.

log10 Return the base-10 logarithm of x. This is usually more accurate than log(x, 10).

log2 Return the base-2 logarithm of x. This is usually more accurate than log(x, 2).

log With one argument, return the natural logarithm of x (to base e). With two arguments, return the logarithm of x to the given base, calculated as log(x)/log(base).

Math - Trigonometric

atan y = atan(x), where y is in radians

tan y = tan(x), where x is in radians

hypot Return the Euclidean norm (i.e. hypotenuse of a right triangle), sqrt(x*x + y*y).

atan2 z = atan2(y, x) = atan(y / x), where z is in radians

acos y = acos(x), where y is in radians

cos y = cos(x), where x is in radians

asin y = asin(x), where y is in radians

sin y = sin(x), where x is in radians

Math - Angular Conversion

Deg2Rad Converts angle x from degrees to radians

Rad2Deg Converts angle x from radians to degrees

Math - Hyperbolic

acosh Return the inverse hyperbolic cosine of x

cosh Return the hyperbolic cosine of x

asinh Return the inverse hyperbolic sine of x

sinh Return the hyperbolic sine of x

atanh Return the inverse hyperbolic tangent of x

tanh Return the hyperbolic tangent of x

Math - Special

erf Return the error function at x This function can be used to compute traditional statistical functions such as the cumulative standard normal distribution: phi(x) = (1.0 + erf(x / sqrt(2.0))) / 2.0

erfc Return the complementary error function at x. The complementary error function is defined as 1.0 - erf(x). It is used for large values of x where a subtraction from one would cause a loss of significance.

lgamma Return the natural logarithm of the absolute value of the Gamma function at x

Random Return a random number between high and low

gamma Return the Gamma function at x

Math - Constants

e The mathematical constant e

phi The mathematical constant phi, also known as the Golden Ratio

pi The mathematical constant pi

Math - Complex Numbers - Conversion Coordinates

complex get Extracts the real and imaginary parts from the specified complex number

complex number Creates a complex number with the specified real and imaginary parts

complex phase Return the phase of x (also known as the argument of x), as a float. phase(x) is equivalent to math.atan2(x.imag, x.real)

complex polar Return the representation of x in polar coordinates. Returns a pair (r, phi) where r is the modulus of x and phi is the phase of x. polar(x) is equivalent to (abs(x), phase(x))

complex rect Return the complex number x with polar coordinates r and phi. Equivalent to r * (math.cos(phi) + math.sin(phi)*1j)

conjugate Return the conjugate of the complex number x

Math - Complex Numbers - Power and Logarithmic

complex exp Return the exponential value e^x

complex log Returns the logarithm of x to the given base. If the base is not specified, returns the natural logarithm of x. There is one branch cut, from 0 along the negative real axis to -8, continuous from above

complex log10 Return the base-10 logarithm of x. This has the same branch cut as log()

complex sqrt Return the square root of x.

Math - Complex Numbers - Trigonometry

complex e The mathematical constant e, as a float.

complex pi The mathematical constant p, as a float.

Math - Complex Numbers - Classification

complex isfinite Return True if both the real and imaginary parts of x are finite, and False otherwise.

complex isinf Return True if either the real or the imaginary part of x is an infinity, and False otherwise.

complex isnan Return True if either the real or the imaginary part of x is a NaN, and False otherwise.

Math - Complex Numbers - Constants

complex e The mathematical constant e, as a float.

complex pi The mathematical constant p, as a float.

Math - Complex Numbers - Hyperbolic

complex acosh Return the hyperbolic arc cosine of x.

complex asinh Return the hyperbolic arc sine of x.

complex atanh Return the hyperbolic arc tangent of x.

complex cosh Return the hyperbolic cosine of x.

complex sinh Return the hyperbolic sine of x.

complex tanh Return the hyperbolic tangent of x.

Object Info

An Object Info node.

Get 2D Point Returns the location of the specified vertex of a referenced object

Get 3D Info Returns the height, width and depth values of the referenced 3D object

Get 3D Moment Inertia Returns the moments of inertia of a 3D object about the x, y, and z axes of a point at the center of gravity of the object

Get 3D Orientation Returns the 3D orientation of the referenced object. If the object is mirrored, a reflection across the X-Y plane must be applied before rotating by the angles above in order to reproduce the objects orientation

Get 3D Product Inertia Returns the products of inertia of a 3D object for the xy, yz, and zx planes passing through a point at the center of gravity of the object

Get Angle Returns the angle of the referenced line or arc object

Get Area Returns the area of the referenced object

Get Bounding Box Returns the bounding box's coordinates of the projection of an object on the screen plane

Get Gravity Center Returns the center of gravity on a 3D object

Get Height Returns the height of the referenced object

Get Length Returns the length of an object

Get Mesh Vertex Returns the vertex at a given index of a mesh object

Get Mesh Vertex Count Returns the number of vertices of the passed mesh object

Get Object Variable Returns the value or the status of a VectorWorks object property

Get Parent Returns the parent container object of the referenced object

Get Perimeter Calculates the perimeter of an object

Get Planar Reference Gets the plane reference ID of the specified object

Get Symbol Location Returns the insertion point of the referenced symbol or plug-in object

Get Symbol Rotation Returns the rotation angle (in degrees) of the referenced symbol or plug-in object

Get Type Returns the type index of the referenced planar or screen object. A complete listing of supported object types may be found in the Appendix

Surface Area This node calculates the surface area of a solid

Get Vertex Returns the coordinates of the specified vertex of a referenced mesh, a 3D polygon, or a NURBS curve object

Get Width Returns the width of the referenced object

Parent PIO Returns the parent object of this node

Rotate 3D Rotates the referenced 3D object about a specified 3D point. It works with the following 3D objects: extrude, multiple extrude, sweep, mesh, 3D polygon, solid, CSG solid, group, symbol, plug-in object, NURBS curve, NURBS surface

Set 3D Info Sets the height, width and depth dimensions of the referenced object

Set 3D Rotation Sets the rotation (in degrees) of the referenced object to the specified rotations and center. This procedure works on the following 3D objects: extrudes, multiple extrudes, and sweeps

Set Vertex Sets the position of the specified vertex in the referenced 3D object

Set Width Sets the width of the passed object

Volume This node calculates the volume of a solid object

Set Angle Sets the angle of the passed object

Set Height Sets the height of the passed object

Set Mesh Vertex Sets a specified mesh vertex to a new location

Set Planar Reference Sets the plane reference ID of the specified object

Set PRefID To Ground Sets the specified object on the ground plane. This node is to be used inside parametric objects to place objects on the local coordinate system's ground of the parametric


An Objects node.

Objects - Arc

Arc Creates an arc with the provided input parameters

Get Arc Returns the parameters of an arc

Get Arc Distance Returns the distance from the specified point to an arc

Get Arc Length Returns the length of an arc

Get Arc Point Calculates and returns a point on an arc. Note, only offset or sweepAngDeg can be specified. If both are specified, only the offset value will be used

Get Closest Point Returns a point on the specified arc which is the closest to the input point

Is on Arc Determines, within a tolerance, if a point is on an arc

Set Arc Sets an arc with the provided input parameters

Sweep Angle Calculate the sweep angle from where the arc starts to the specified point

Objects - Circle

Circle Creates a circle with the provided specifications

Get Circle Returns the center point and the radius of a circle

Get Circle Length Returns the length of a circle

Get Circle Point Calculates and returns a point on a circle. Note, only offset or angle can be specified. If both are specified, only the offset value will be used

Is on Circle Returns true if the input point lies on the circle. The comparison uses tolerance specified as a parameter of the node

Set Circle Sets a circle with the provided parameters

Objects - Line

Objects - Locus

Objects - NURBS

Objects - Oval

Objects - Poly2D

Objects - Poly3D

Objects - Rectangle

Objects - Solid

Objects - Text


An Operations node.

Contents Returns the objects contained in a container like object. Supported container types include: Group, Layer, Mesh, Extrude, MultiExtrude, Sweep, Symbol Definition, Folder, Parametric Object, Data Node, Roof

Convert to Mesh Converts a group of 3D polygons into a mesh network.

Copy Makes a single copy of an object

Delete Deletes an object. Note: Objects to be deleted are saved in a list and are deleted at the end of the network execution. So, there is no risk of referencing an object that no longer exists

Duplicate Object Creates num duplicates of an object

Group This node adds objects to an existing group. If no group is supplied, a new one is created.

Move This node will move an object or point by an offset in 2D or 3D. If the object is planar this node does not move it outside of it's plane.

Orient This node sets the Z axis of a 3D object.

Planar Boolean This node performs a boolean operation between lists of objects. The operation will be performed for each possible combination of objects in the lists supplied.

Rotate This node will rotate a 2D or 3D object around "center" if provided. If not provided the object will be rotated about it's center

Scale This node will scale an object or vector

Transform2 This node will transform a 2D object or 2D vector

Set Plane This node will set the reference plane for 2D objects

Ungroup Decomposes the reference group into component objects.


A Points node.

Distance Calculates the distance between 2 points

Get XY Return the x,y components of a point or vector

Get XYZ Return the x,y,z components of a point or vector

Get XYZOff Return the x,y,z components of a point and it's ofset from the origin

Highest Return only the highest of points in a list at the same x,y location

Lowest Return only the lowest of points in a list at the same x,y location

Point 2D Create a 2D point from x,y values

Point 3D Create a 3D point from x,y,z values

Project Projects 2D points onto a planar object in 3D space

Records & IFC

A Records & IFC node.

Attach Existing Record Attaches an instance of an existing record format to an object

Choice Item This creates an OIP Choice Item of simple IFC object types

Create Field Creates a field in a record format definition. If the format doesn't exist, it creates the format as well

Get IFC Entity Returns the name of the IFC entity attached to the incoming object

Get IFC Property Returns a specified standard IFC property and its type

Get IFC pSet Value Returns the value and type of a specified IFC pSet field. If the pSet is invalid or not attached, it returns false

Get Record Field Returns the value of a data record field. If the data record does not exist or is not attached, it returns false

Set IFC Entity Creates and attaches to inbound object an IFC Record with the given IFC entity

Set IFC Property Creates and attaches to inbound object a standard IFC property

Set IFC pSet Value Sets an IFC pSet property value. If the pSet is not attached, attaches the specified IFC pSet also

Set Record Field Sets the value of a data record field. If the data record exists but is not attached, it attaches an instance of the record format to an object prior to setting. Does nothing and returns False if the field name is bad or if the record do


A String node.

ASCII Letters Returns a string that is the concatenation of the ascii_lowercase and ascii_uppercase constants. This value is not locale-dependent

ASCII Lowercase Returns the string with the lowercase letters 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'. This value is not locale-dependent and will not change

ASCII Uppercase Returns the string with the uppercase letters 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'. This value is not locale-dependent and will not change

Digits Returns the string '0123456789'

Format Resulting string is a result from the format string and the arguments. This node uses python formatting:

Hex Digits Returns the string '0123456789abcdefABCDEF'

Oct Digits Returns the string '01234567'

Punctuation Returns a string of ASCII characters which are considered punctuation characters in the current locale

Str Create a string from any input. If a list is converted to a string, then you can provide delimiter string

White Space Returns a string containing all ASCII characters that are considered whitespace. This includes the characters space, tab, linefeed, return, formfeed, and vertical tab


A Textures node.

Textures - Common

Apply Texture Apply the given texture to the specified object

Get Texture Returns the selected texture from the dropdown list

Texture Apply the given texture to the specified object

Texture Part ID Returns the ID of the specified object's texture type

Textures - Get Operations

Get Class Texture Return a texture given a class name

Get Class Use Texture Returns whether the classes' texture attributes will be used at object creation

Get Image Cropper Returns the crop of a cropped image

Get Shader Record Returns the shader record of the specified family, if one is attached to the texture

Get TexBmp Returns the bitmap object attached to the referenced shader record. If there is no texture applied to an object, the function returns nothing

Get TexBmp Property Returns the properties of the referenced texture bitmap

Get Texture Layer Count Returns number of texture layers (base + decals) for the specified part of an object

Get Texture Map Get map info for a specific part of an object

Get Texture Reference Returns the texture reference of a specified object

Get Texture Set Returns the texture set of an object

Get Texture Shader Returns the LightWorks internal property reference ID for the shader attached to the referenced texture

Get Texture Shininess Returns the shininess value of the referenced texture

Get Texture Size Returns the texture size in real-world inches

Get Texture Space Returns a handle to the texture space attached to the referenced object (or object part). Note: Walls may have three texture spaces attached to them if they have expanded textures

Get Transparency Returns the degree of transparency applied to the referenced texture

Get Wall Hole Returns the wall texture part of an object in the wall hole group of a symbol definition or plug-in object

Textures - Set Operations

Default Texture Map Sets the object to have default texture mapping info

Default Texture Space Sets the texture space for the referenced object to the VectorWorks object defaults

Set Class Texture Sets the wall center texture of the specified class

Set Image Crop Visible Sets the image crop visibility

Set Image Cropper Sets a crop object to an image

Set TexBmp Sets the bitmap object attached to the referenced texture. If no texture is desired then do nothing

Set TexBmp Property Sets the properties of the referenced texture bitmap

Set Texture Expanded Sets the "expanded" state of the referenced objects' texture. When a texture is expanded, different components of an object can have different textures

Set Texture Map Set map info for specific part of object

Set Texture Reference Sets the texture reference for a specified object

Set Texture Set Sets the texture set of an object

Set Texture Shader Sets the LightWorks internal property reference ID for the shader attached to the referenced texture

Set Texture Shininess Sets the shininess value of the referenced texture. The value is expressed as a percentage value in a range of 0-100 with 0 equaling "Dull".

Set Texture Size Sets the texture size in real-world inches

Set Transparency Sets the degree of transparency applied to the referenced texture

Set Wall Hole Sets the wall texture part of an object in the wall hole group of a symbol definition or plug-in object. This is the wall texture part given to faces of the wall that are created by cutting a hole in the wall with the object

Textures - Conditionals

Is Image Crop Visible Check if the crop of the image is visible

Is Image Cropped Check if the given image is cropped

Is RndrWrks Available Indicates whether RenderWorks is available

Is Texture Expanded Returns whether the referenced object's texture have been "expanded". When a texture is expanded, different components of an object can have different textures

Is Textureable Object Determines whether the referenced object supports texture mapping

Textures - Other Operations

Attach Texture Space Deletes any pre-existing space attached to the referenced object (with the specified part ID) and creates a new texture space with the default value for this type of object and attaches it to the object

Create Paint From Image Creates a paint node from an image resource on the specified location and rotation. A bitmap (paint) object is created on drawing

Create Shader Record Creates a shader record of the desired family and prototype

Create Texture Creates a new texture object with default values

Create Texture Bitmap Creates a texture bitmap object for the chosen shader record. Brings up dialog to choose the image file. Returns nil if user clicked Cancel or if the shader is not an image-based shader

Delete Texture Space Deletes the texture space attached to the referenced object or object part. To render textures correctly, an object must have both a non-zero texture ref and a texture space attached

Edit Shader Record Brings up the edit shader dialog for this shader

Edit Texture Opens the Edit Texture dialog for the referenced texture

Edit Texure Bitmap Opens the Edit Texture Bitmap dialog box to the referenced texture bitmap

EdSh Construct Layout Creates a dialog layout for editing a shader's parameter values

EdSh Populate Menu Adds menu items to a popup in an edit shader dialog

EdSh Run Dialog Runs an edit shader dialog layout