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namespace VectorWorks

Member of VCOM:VectorWorks:ISDK

Gets the left and right side pen styles of a component in an object.

virtual Boolean VCOM_CALLTYPE GetComponentPenStyles(
MCObjectHandle object,
short componentIndex,
Sint8& leftPenStyle,
Sint8& rightPenStyle) = 0;


object MCObjectHandle The object. Can be a wall, round wall, slab, Wall Style, Slab Style, the Wall Preferences, or the Slab Preferences.
componentIndex short The index of the component.
leftPenStyle Sint8& Returns the pen style of the component's left line. Positive values for patterns, negative values for dash styles.
rightPenStyle Sint8& Returns the pen style of the component's right line. Positive values for patterns, negative values for dash styles.


Availability: from Vectorworks 2009