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namespace VectorWorks

Member of VCOM:VectorWorks:ISDK

returns the surface handle if it succeeds, returns NULL if it fails

virtual MCObjectHandle CreateExtrudeAlongPath(
MCObjectHandle pathHandle,
MCObjectHandle profileHandle)


MCObjectHandle pathHandle No information available.
MCObjectHandle profileHandle No information available.

Return Value

On error returns: nil


The path should be a NURBS curve.

On succes, a list of NURB surface objects is created, they need to be manually added to the container you want.


This example is taken from the mailing list and is created by Vlado.

	VWPolygon2DObj path;

	path.AddVertex( 0, 0 );
	path.AddVertex( 100, 0 );
	path.AddVertex( 100, 50 );
	path.AddVertex( 200, 50 );
	path.SetClosed( false );

	VWPolygon2DObj profile;
	profile.AddVertex( 0, 0 );
	profile.AddVertex( 10, 0 );
	profile.AddVertex( 10, 10 );
	profile.AddVertex( 0, 10 );
	profile.SetClosed( true );

	MCObjectHandle hPathNurb = gSDK->ConvertToNURBS( path );
	MCObjectHandle hExtrudeAlongPath  = gSDK->CreateExtrudeAlongPath( hPathNurb, profile );

	MCObjectHandle hCurrent = hExtrudeAlongPath;

	while ( hCurrent )
		MCObjectHandle hNext  = gSDK->NextObject( hCurrent );
		gSDK->AddObjectToContainer( hCurrent, gSDK->GetCurrentLayer() );
		hCurrent = hNext;


Availability: from Vectorworks 2009