SDK:Working with VWListBoxCtrl

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Initializing of the control

The initialization of the control is done in OnSetUpEvent:

void CSampleDlg::OnSetUpEvent()

	VWListBoxCtrl*  pListBox  = this->GetListBoxCtrlByID( kMyListBox );

	pListBox->AddItem( "item1" );
	pListBox->AddItem( "item2" );

Settings markers to the items

You can assign marker value to each element in the list. This helps managing dynamicly changed lists.

The simplest example is making a list for enumerations, but having dynamic sub set of the enumeration as items in the list:

enum EMyValues {

pListBox->AddItem( "item1", size_t(-1), kMyValues_One );
pListBox->AddItem( "item3", size_t(-1), kMyValues_Three );

EMyValues myValue = ...;

// select appropreate item
// Actually the enumeration value is used
pListBox->SelectItemWithMarker( myValue );

Then, we could easily map backward from the selection index to enumeration value:

EMyValues myValue = (EMyvalues) pListBox->GetSelectedItemMarker();

See Also

SDK:Creating handler class for VectorScript layout dialog | SDK:Creating handler class for manual layout dialog | SDK:Working with Dynamic Data Exchange (DDX) |