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.SDK|SDK ..SDK:Types|SDK Types ..VCOM:VCOM (Vectorworks Component Object Model)|VCOM Basics ..VCOM:Class Reference|VCOM Class Reference

What is this?

This is a structure that represents 16 byte or 128 bit number. In general this is GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) or UUID (Universal Unique Identifier)

It is used to uniquely identify a VCOM interface.

Note! The VWUUID once generated it is unique and no one else will create the same identifier ever.

There is a build-in tool "Create GUID" in Microsoft(r) VisualStudio that generates GUIDs:

On Mac, you can use the online tool:

or one can use the command line tool uuidgen to generate a UUID (in a slightly different presentation however).

struct VWIID
	unsigned long  data1;
	unsigned short data2;
	unsigned short data3;
	unsigned char  data4[8];

	VWIID& operator=(const VWIID& iid) {
		memcpy( this, &iid, sizeof(VWIID) );
		return *this;

	bool operator==(const VWIID& iid) const {
		return memcmp( this, &iid, sizeof(VWIID) ) == 0;

Sample of defining VWIID constant:

static const VWIID IID_VCOMSample = { 0xb5706042, 0xbf87, 0x4cff, { 0x9b, 0xd9, 0x3a, 0x8, 0xb0, 0x1c, 0x18, 0x3c } };