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What is this?

This class represent a 2D point in the world coordinates.


class _WorldPt : public TDebugObject
	typedef WorldCoord WorldCoordType;
	_WorldCoord y, x;

	WorldCoord X() const;
	WorldCoord Y() const;
	Boolean operator==(const _WorldPt& p) const;
	Boolean operator!=(const _WorldPt& p) const;

	void ByteSwap();

// ------------------------------------
class WorldPt : public _WorldPt {

	WorldPt(WorldCoord x, WorldCoord y);

	WorldPt(const WorldPt& p);
	WorldPt(const _WorldPt& p);
	void Set(WorldCoord x, WorldCoord y);
	void SetAngle(double radians);

	Boolean operator==(const WorldPt& p) const;
	Boolean operator!=(const WorldPt& p) const;

	WorldPt operator+(const WorldPt& p) const;
	WorldPt operator-(const WorldPt& p) const;
	WorldPt	operator*(double scalar) const;
	WorldPt	operator/(double scalar) const;
	WorldPt operator-(void) const;
	WorldPt& operator=(const WorldPt& p);
	WorldPt& operator+=(const WorldPt& p);
	WorldPt& operator-=(const WorldPt& p);
	WorldPt& operator*=(double scalar);
	WorldPt& operator/=(double scalar);

	Boolean IsZero(void) const;

	WorldCoord Magnitude(void);
	WorldCoord MagnitudeSquared(void);
	void       Normalize(void);

	// This function assumes that the WorldPt is a vector. 
	// This poorly named function returns a unit vector, or a normalized vector, NOT a perpindicular vector.
	WorldPt    Normal(void) const;

	// returns a perpendicular 2d vector turning clockwise or counter-clockwise depending on the parameter
	WorldPt Perpendicular(bool clockwise = false) const ;

	bool Parallel(const WorldPt & p);

	// crossing 2d vectors is useful in that it revels a winding order.
	// This function returns the z value of the cross product.
	WorldCoord CrossMagnitude(const WorldPt & p);

	// Perform dot product
	WorldCoord Dot(const WorldPt & p);
	WorldCoord DistanceFrom(WorldPt otherPoint)        const;
	WorldCoord SquaredDistanceFrom(WorldPt otherPoint) const;

	double AngleInDegrees(void) const;
	double DegreeAngleFrom(const WorldPt inOrigin) const;

	WorldPt Abs(void) const;
	WorldPt Half(void) const;


<to be supplied>


The default constructor of this class will create infinite (x,y) point -- the point will have coordinates (kMaxLegalWorldCoord, kMaxLegalWorldCoord).

For more vector representation there is the type defined:

typedef WorldPt Vector2;

Relative Functions

Scalar Multiplication

Multiply operator of a number to the point's coordinates.

WorldPt operator*(const double scalar, const WorldPt thePt);

Nearly Equal

Checks if two points are nearly the same according to an ratio (epsilon).

Boolean WorldPtsAreRelativelyClose(WorldPt p1, WorldPt p2, double ratio = 1e-7);

Cross Product

Calculates cross product (a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x) of two points representing 2D vectors.

Cross product magnitude is primarily used for determining the left/right orientation of two vectors.

WorldCoord CrossProductMagnitude(const WorldPt& a, const WorldPt& b);

Dot Product

The mathematical definition of Dot Product is:

  • |a||b|cos theta or
  • the magnitude of 'a' times the magnitude of 'b' times the cosine of the angle between 'a' and 'b'

The dot product is a general purpose value that can be used as part of a calculation to:

  • find the angle between two vectors
  • find the projection of one vector onto another vector
  • determine the forward/reverse orientation of two vectors
WorldCoord DotProduct(const WorldPt& a, const WorldPt& b);


Defined in: MCCoordTypes.h

See Also