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class GS_COMP_API TXString : public TDebugObject
explicit TXString(size_t nInitialSize);
TXString(const TXString &src);
TXString(const char *src);
TXString(const char *src, size_t len);
TXString(ConstGSStringPtr src);
TXString(char ch, size_t cnt);
TXString(short strListID, short index);

template <size_t maxCharLen>
TXString(const PStr<maxCharLen>& src);
virtual ~TXString();
// overloaded assignment
TXString& operator=(const TXString& src);
TXString& operator=(const char *src);
TXString& operator=(ConstGSStringPtr src);
TXString& operator=(char ch);
template <size_t maxCharLen>
TXString& operator=(const PStr<maxCharLen>& src);
size_t GetLength() const;
unsigned char GetPascalLength() const;
bool SetLength(size_t len);
bool SetLength(size_t len, char fill);
void Truncate(size_t len);
bool IsEmpty() const;
void Empty(bool bQuick=false);
void Clear();
// Free any extra memory being used to hold string data.
void FreeExtra();
void CopyInto(GSCStrPtr sz) const;
void CopyInto(GSStringPtr ps) const;
char GetAt(size_t nIndex) const;
char operator[](int nIndex) const;
char& operator[](int nIndex);
void SetAt(size_t nIndex, char ch);
operator const char*() const;
operator const unsigned char*() const;
// Use these two functions to pass a TXString as a non-const string parameter.
// *** NOTE: You MUST call ReleaseUnsafePtr afterwards to reset the TXString length fields
char* GetUnsafeCharPtr(size_t len);
unsigned char* GetUnsafeUnsignedCharPtr(size_t len) ;
void ReleaseUnsafePtr();
// This function is older, but we didn't want to change the whole project right away.
void ReleaseUnsafeCharPtr();
// string concatenation
const TXString& operator+=(const TXString& string);
const TXString& operator+=(char ch);
const TXString& operator+=(const char *sz);
const TXString& operator+=(const unsigned char *ps);
template <size_t maxCharLen>
const TXString& operator+=(const PStr<maxCharLen>& string);
TXString& operator<<(const TXString& str);
TXString& operator<<(char ch);
TXString& operator<<(const char *sz);
TXString& operator<<(const unsigned char *ps);
TXString& operator<<(long n);
template <size_t maxCharLen>
TXString& operator<<(const PStr<maxCharLen>& str);
// string comparison
int Compare(const TXString &str) const;
int Compare(const char *sz) const;
int Compare(const unsigned char *pstr) const;
template <size_t maxCharLen>
int Compare(const PStr<maxCharLen> &str) const;
int CompareNoCase(const TXString &str) const;
int CompareNoCase(const char *sz) const;
int CompareNoCase(const unsigned char *pstr) const;
template <size_t maxCharLen>
int CompareNoCase(const PStr<maxCharLen> &str) const;
// simple sub-string extraction
TXString Mid(size_t nFirst, size_t nCount) const;
TXString Mid(size_t nFirst) const;
TXString Left(size_t nCount) const;
TXString Right(size_t nCount) const;
TXString SpanIncluding(const TXString &str) const;
TXString SpanIncluding(const char *sz) const;
TXString SpanIncluding(const unsigned char *ps) const;
TXString SpanExcluding(const TXString &str) const;
TXString SpanExcluding(const char *sz) const;
TXString SpanExcluding(const unsigned char *ps) const;
// Deleting and Inserting
void Delete(size_t pos, size_t len);
void Insert(size_t pos, const char *sz);
void Insert(size_t pos, const unsigned char *ps);
void Insert(size_t pos, char ch, size_t cnt = 1);
void Replace(const char *oldStr, const char *newStr, bool bIgnoreCase = false);
void Replace(const char *oldStr, char newChar, bool bIgnoreCase = false);
// upper/lower/reverse conversion
void MakeUpper();
void MakeLower();
void MakeReverse();
// Trimming whitespace (either side).
void Trim();
void TrimLeft();
void TrimRight();
// Searching from left to right.  Return starting index, or -1 if not found.
int Find(char ch, int nStart = 0) const;
int FindNoSJISCheck(char ch, int nStart = 0) const;
int FindOneOf(const TXString &charSet) const;
int FindOneOf(const char *szCharSet) const;
int FindOneOf(const unsigned char *psCharSet) const;
int FindNotOneOf(const TXString &charSet) const;
int FindNotOneOf(const char *szCharSet) const;
int FindNotOneOf(const unsigned char *psCharSet) const;
// Searching from right to left.  Return starting index, or -1 if not found.
int ReverseFind(char ch, bool checkForJISChar = true) const;
int ReverseFindOneOf(const TXString &charSet) const;
int ReverseFindOneOf(const char *szCharSet) const;
int ReverseFindOneOf(const unsigned char *pstrCharSet) const;
int ReverseFindNotOneOf(const TXString &charSet) const;
int ReverseFindNotOneOf(const char *szCharSet) const;
int ReverseFindNotOneOf(const unsigned char *pstrCharSet) const;
// Look for a specific sub-string.
int Find(const TXString &sub, bool bIgnoreCase = false) const;
int Find(const char *szSub, bool bIgnoreCase = false) const;
int Find(const unsigned char *psSub, bool bIgnoreCase = false) const;
int Find(size_t nFirst, const TXString &sub, bool bIgnoreCase = false) const;
int Find(size_t nFirst, const char *szSub, bool bIgnoreCase = false) const;
int Find(size_t nFirst, const unsigned char *psSub, bool bIgnoreCase = false) const;
bool Load(short strListID, short index, EEmptyHandling allowEmpty = eDontAllowEmptyResult);
// simple formatting
// passing a class reference before a variable-length argument list doesn't work in windows
void Format(const char *szFormat, ...);
void Format(const unsigned char *psFormat, ...);
void Format(short strList, short index, ...);
void VFormat(const char *szFormat, va_list marker);
void itoa(int value);
int atoi() const;
Real64 atof() const;
operator int() const;
operator Real64() const;
short AnsiToMac();
short MacToAnsi();
@brief Converts windows new line characters to mac new line characters
The Mac has only a single line feed character (10) as a new line while
Windows has a carriage return (13) followed by a line feed (10). This
function removes any line feed characters in the string.
void WinToMacNewLine ();
@brief Converts mac new line characters to windows new line characters
Prepends a carriage return (13) to an existing line feed character (10)
if one does not already exist.
void MacToWinNewLine ();

Revision as of 16:31, 26 January 2018

.SDK|SDK ..SDK:Types|SDK Types ..VCOM:VCOM (Vectorworks Component Object Model)|VCOM Basics ..VCOM:Class Reference|VCOM Class Reference

What is this?

TXString is one of the SDK generic types. It is used to represent a string in Vectorworks. TXString is Unicode-compliant since Vectorworks 2018.


TXString uses UTF-16 encoding since this encoding is natively used on Windows and Mac. There is a new typedef called TXChar, which is wchar_t on Windows and UniChar on Mac. Thus, TXChar uses UTF-16 encoding on both platforms.

TXString uses std::basic_string<TXChar> internally to store Unicode characters. There are two new macros for creating Unicode character or string literal. The following are two examples.

TXString txStr1 = txuc('♥');              // Unicode character
TXString txStr2 = txu("1文本2テキ3ßÜü4");  // Unicode string literal

Conversion to and from OS Native String Types

Using OS dependent components (e.g. types, functions, classes, etc.) should be avoided. If the code has the need to handle OS native string types, the following are examples to achieve that.


// You can use the following code if MFC is used.
// CString → TXString
TXString txStr = cStr;

// TXString → CString
CString cStr = txStr.GetData();


// CFString
// CFStringRef → TXString
TXString txStr = cfStr;

// TXString → CFStringRef
CFStringRef cfStr = txStr.GetCFStringRef()
    ... // Do something with cfStr;

// NSString
// NSString → TXString
TXString txStr = [nsStr toTXString];

// TXString → NSString
NSString* nsStr = [NSString stringWithTXString:txStr];

Precomposed and Decomposed Forms

Some Unicode characters can be represented in two forms, which are decomposed form and precomposed form (precomposed form is also called composite form or composed form). For example, ' パ ' can be represented by one Unicode character (U+30D1, precomposed form) or by two Unicode characters (U+30CF( ハ ) + U+309A('°'), decomposed form). Internally, Vectorworks uses Unicode characters in precomposed form. Client code using VW SDK doesn't need to worry about the difference.

Developers need to pay attention to the difference when calling some native Mac functions. In most cases, characters from OS APIs (Mac or Windows) are in the precomposed form. There are some exceptions on Mac. Two of them are APIs handling URLs and plist files. When TXString objects are initiated from objects returned by OS in these areas, ToPrecomposed() can be called to convert decomposed form to precomposed form. If the code needs to return a string in decomposed form, ToDecomposed() can be called to do the conversion before sending it to the OS. For example, SDK file/folder classes convert decomposed strings from Mac APIs to precomposed form right after these calls. Thus, all strings processed and manipulated internally are in precomposed form, and the client code using VW SDK doesn't need to worry about this. (If strings are in different forms, string comparison won't work. In addition, methods like element access operator[] and GetLength() may return different results if strings are in decomposed form.)

Surrogate Pairs

Most Unicode characters can be represented by one UTF-16 character. However, Unicode characters greater than U+FFFF need two UTF-16 characters, called surrogate pairs. For example, Unicode character 'SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES' ( 😊, U+1F60A) is represented by 0xD83D and 0xDE0A in UTF-16. Thus, it is possible to have a TXString with invalid UTF-16 characters at the edges after some manipulations, such as Truncate(...). TXString automatically removes invalid UTF-16 characters at the edges during the call to Mid(...), Left(...), Right(...), or Truncate(...). The client code can also call TrimLeftInvalidCharacter(), TrimRightInvalidCharacter(), or TrimInvalidCharacters() manually to remove invalid UTF-16 characters at the edges.


TXString class is defined in "GSString.X.h".

Constructors and Destructors



class TConstForwardIterator
	TConstForwardIterator(const TXString &str, int nStart=0);
	TConstForwardIterator& operator++();
	TConstForwardIterator& operator--();
	operator bool() const;
	bool operator==(char ch) const;
	int GetPosition() const;
	char GetChar() const;
	char GetNextChar() const;
	char GetPrevChar() const;


class TConstReverseIterator
	TConstReverseIterator(const TXString &str);
	TConstReverseIterator& operator++();
	TConstReverseIterator& operator--();
	operator bool() const;
	bool operator==(char ch) const;
	int GetPosition() const;
	char GetChar() const;
	char GetNextChar() const;
	char GetPrevChar() const;


class TForwardIterator : public TConstForwardIterator
	TForwardIterator(const TXString &str, int nStart=0);
	TXString& operator*() const;
	TXString* operator->() const;


class TReverseIterator : public TConstReverseIterator
	TReverseIterator(const TXString &str);
	TXString& operator*() const;	
	TXString* operator->() const;

Displaying String Content in Xcode Debug Area

# The following code is for displaying TXString content in Xcode debug area.
# Add the following code to "~/.lldbinit".
# These code will take effect after Xcode restarts.

import sys
import lldb
import lldb.formatters.Logger

CATEGORY_NAME = "vectorworks"

# For displaying StdUStr summary in Xcode
def StdUStrSummary(valobj,internal_dict):
	middle = valobj.GetChildAtIndex(0).GetChildAtIndex(0).GetChildAtIndex(0).GetChildAtIndex(0)
	__s = middle.GetChildAtIndex(1)
	modeAndSize = __s.GetChildAtIndex(0).GetChildAtIndex(0).GetValueAsUnsigned(0)
	# String to be returned later.
	retStr = u'u"'
	if (modeAndSize & 1) == 0:  # Short/static form
		size = (modeAndSize >> 1)
		# Current max array size is 11. If size is greater than 11, this object is not 
		# initialized and the content should be empty.
		if size < 12:	
			txCharBuf = __s.GetChildAtIndex(1).GetPointeeData(0, size).uint16
			for i in range(size):
				if txCharBuf[i] == 0:
				retStr = retStr + unichr(txCharBuf[i])
	else:  # Long/dynamic form
		__l = middle.GetChildAtIndex(0)
		# We only show the first 1000 characters.
		size = __l.GetChildAtIndex(1).GetValueAsUnsigned(0)
		if size > 1000:
			size = 1000
		txCharBuf = __l.GetChildAtIndex(2).GetPointeeData(0, size).uint16
		for i in range(size):
			if txCharBuf[i] == 0:
			retStr = retStr + unichr(txCharBuf[i])
	retStr = retStr + u'"'
	return retStr.encode('utf-8')

# For displaying TXString summary in Xcode
def TXStringSummary(valobj,internal_dict):
	return StdUStrSummary(valobj.GetChildMemberWithName('stdUStr'), internal_dict)

def __lldb_init_module(debugger, dict):

	# StdUStr and TXString
	debugger.HandleCommand('type summary add -F lldb_vectorworks.StdUStrSummary StdUStr --category %s' % CATEGORY_NAME)
	debugger.HandleCommand('type summary add -F lldb_vectorworks.TXStringSummary TXString --category %s' % CATEGORY_NAME)

	# Enable the vectorworks category
	debugger.HandleCommand("type category enable %s" % CATEGORY_NAME)

See Also