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XML Files

VectorWorks provides the following VCOM interfaces for working with XML files:

Using XML File

When you have IFileIdentifier to an XML file you can use IXMLFile::ReadFile to read or write the XML contents.


Reading XML file sample:

IXMLFilePtr        pXMLFile( IID_XMLFile );
if ( pXMLFile && VCOM_SUCCEEDED( pFile->ReadFile( fpFileID ) ) ) {
    IXMLFileNodePtr        pDatabaseRoot;
    if ( VCOM_SUCCEEDED( pFile->GetRootNode( & pDatabaseRoot ) ) ) {
       TXString    rootName;
       if ( VCOM_SUCCEEDED( pDatabaseRoot->GetNodeName( rootName ) ) ) {
           // get UUID and Name attributes
           TXString    dbUUID, dbName;
           pDatabaseRoot->GetNodeAttributeValue( kXmlName_UUID, dbUUID );
           pDatabaseRoot->GetNodeAttributeValue( kXmlName_Name, dbName );

           IXMLFileNodePtr        pNote;
           if ( VCOM_SUCCEEDED( pDatabaseRoot->GetFirstChildNode( & pNote ) ) ) {
               while ( pNote ) {
                   TXString            noteSectionName;
                   TXString            noteUUID;
                   TXString            noteDescription;
                   TXString            noteText;
                   pNote->GetNodeAttributeValue( kXmlName_SectionName, noteSectionName );
                   pNote->GetNodeAttributeValue( kXmlName_UUID, noteUUID );
                   pNote->GetNodeAttributeValue( kXmlName_Desc, noteDescription );
                   pNote->GetNodeValue( noteText );

                   // get the next xml node
                   IXMLFileNodePtr        pNextNote;
                   if ( VCOM_FAILED( pNote->GetNextSiblingNode( & pNextNote ) ) )

                   // move to next note
                   pNote        = pNextNote;

Reading arrays for nodes:

IXMLFileNodePtr		pXMLTablesNode;
if ( VCOM_SUCCEEDED( pLayoutData->GetChildNode( kDBXML_LayoutDataNode_Tables, & pXMLTablesNode ) ) ) {
	IXMLFileNodePtr	pXMLTableNode;
	if ( VCOM_SUCCEEDED( pXMLTablesNode->GetChildNode( kDBXML_LayoutDataNode_Table, & pXMLTableNode ) ) ) {
		do {
			// ...
			// move to the next param
			IXMLFileNodePtr	  pXMLTableNextNode;
			pXMLTableNode->GetNextSiblingNode( & pXMLTableNextNode );
			pXMLTableNode		= pXMLTableNextNode;
		} while ( pXMLTableNode );


Writing XML file sample:

bool CXmlSerializer::WriteToXML(IXMLFile* pFile, const CDatabase& database)
   bool       ok         = false;
   if ( VCOM_SUCCEEDED( pFile->CreateNew( kXmlName_DBName ) ) ) {
       IXMLFileNodePtr        pDatabaseRoot;
       if ( VCOM_SUCCEEDED( pFile->GetRootNode( & pDatabaseRoot ) ) ) {

           pDatabaseRoot->SetNodeAttributeValue( kXmlName_UUID, database.GetUUID() );
           pDatabaseRoot->SetNodeAttributeValue( kXmlName_Name, database.GetName() );

           size_t        secCnt        = database.GetSectionsCount();
           for(size_t s=0; s<secCnt; s++) {
               TXString    sectionName    = database.GetSectionNameAt( s );
               size_t        notesCnt    = database.GetNotesCount( s );
               for(size_t j=0; j<notesCnt; j++) {
                   const CDatabaseNote&    note        = database.GetNoteAt( s, j );

                   IXMLFileNodePtr        pNoteNode;
                   if ( VCOM_SUCCEEDED( pDatabaseRoot->CreateChildNode( kXmlName_Note, & pNoteNode ) ) ) {
                       pNoteNode->SetNodeAttributeValue( kXmlName_SectionName, sectionName );
                       pNoteNode->SetNodeAttributeValue( kXmlName_UUID, note.GetUUID() );
                       pNoteNode->SetNodeAttributeValue( kXmlName_Desc, note.GetDescription() );

                       pNoteNode->SetNodeValue( note.GetNoteText() );
           if ( VCOM_SUCCEEDED( pXMLFile->WriteFile( pFileID, kXMLEncoding_UTF8 ) ) ) {
               ok     = true;

   return ok;

Writing arrays for nodes:

size_t			tablesCnt	= arrTables.Size();
if ( tablesCnt > 0 ) {
	IXMLFileNodePtr  	pXMLTablesNode;
	if ( VCOM_SUCCEEDED( pLayoutData->CreateChildNode( kDBXML_LayoutDataNode_Tables, & pXMLTablesNode ) ) ) {
		for(size_t i=0; i<tablesCnt; i++) {
			const SResourceTable&	table	= arrTables[ i ];

			IXMLFileNodePtr  	pXMLTableNode;
			if ( VCOM_SUCCEEDED( pXMLTablesNode->CreateChildNode( kDBXML_LayoutDataNode_Table, & pXMLTableNode ) ) ) {
				// ...

Using XML Memory Buffer

The IXMLFile interface allows you to work with XML files or XML represented in memory buffers.

The memory buffer is represented by IXMLFileIOBuffer. This means that the user have to implement that interface supplying the memory and pass pointer to the IXMLFile::ReadBuffer or IXMLFile::WriteBuffer calls.

When IXMLFile reads the XML contents from the memory buffer it will call IXMLFileIOBuffer::GetDataSize and IXMLFileIOBuffer::CopyDataInto.

When IXMLFile writes the XML contents to the memory buffer it will call IXMLFileIOBuffer::SetData.

An example of memory buffer implementation that reads and writes is:

class CStringXMLData : public IXMLFileIOBuffer

	CStringXMLData(const TXString& content)
		fString = content;

	virtual ~CStringXMLData()

	TXString GetString() const
		return fString;

	virtual	VCOMError VCOM_CALLTYPE	GetDataSize(size_t& outSize)
		outSize		= fString.GetLength();
		return kVCOMError_NoError;

	virtual VCOMError VCOM_CALLTYPE	CopyDataInto(void* pBuffer, size_t bufferSize)
		char*		pOutBuffer	= (char*) pBuffer;

		const char*	szBuffer	= fString;
		size_t		copyLen		= fString.GetLength();
		if ( bufferSize < copyLen ) {
			copyLen	= bufferSize;

		for(size_t i=0; i<copyLen; i++) {
			pOutBuffer[ i ] = szBuffer[ i ];

		return kVCOMError_NoError;

	virtual VCOMError VCOM_CALLTYPE	SetData(void* pBuffer, size_t bufferSize)
		TXString	str( (const char*) pBuffer, bufferSize );
		fString		+= str;
		return kVCOMError_NoError;

	TXString	fString;

And then you can use it for read:

IXMLFilePtr	pXMLFile( IID_XMLFile );

CStringXMLData		data( strXMLText );
if ( VCOM_SUCCEEDED( pXMLFile->ReadBuffer( & data, eXMLEncoding_UTF8 ) ) ) {
	importOk  = this->ProcessFile( pXMLFile );

or write:

IXMLFilePtr	pXMLFile( IID_XMLFile );
if ( this->Export( pXMLFile ) ) {
	CStringXMLData	xmlOutput;
	exportOk	= VCOM_SUCCEEDED( pXMLFile->WriteBuffer( & xmlOutput, eXMLEncoding_UTF8 ) );

	outXMLContent	= xmlOutput.GetString();


Sample code for validating:

IXMLFileValidatorPtr pXMLFileValidator( IID_XMLFileValidator );
IXMLFilePtr          pXMLFile( IID_XMLFile );
IFileIdentifierPtr   pXMLFileID( IID_FileIdentifier );
IFileIdentifierPtr   pXSDFileID( IID_FileIdentifier );
if (    pXMLFileValidator
     && pXMLFile
     && pXMLFileID && VCOM_SUCCEEDED( pXMLFileID->Set( "Test.xml" ) )
     && pXSDFileID && VCOM_SUCCEEDED( pXSDFileID->Set( "Test.xsd" ) )
   VERIFYN( kVStanev, VCOM_SUCCEEDED( pXMLFileValidator->SetXML( pXMLFileID ) ) );
   VERIFYN( kVStanev, VCOM_SUCCEEDED( pXMLFileValidator->SetSchema( pXSDFileID ) ) );

   CMyXMLErrListener	errListener;
   VERIFYN( kVStanev, VCOM_SUCCEEDED( pXMLFileValidator->SetErrorListener( & errListener ) ) );

   VERIFYN( kVStanev, VCOM_SUCCEEDED( pXMLFileValidator->Validate() ) );


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="">
  <xs:element name="Root">
    <xs:complexType mixed="true">
        <xs:element name="inner" type="xs:string" />
        <xs:element name="sub1" type="xs:string" />

Test.xml -- will produce syntax error (Unterminated end tag):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
  <!-- the next line will produce "Unterminated end tag" error
       because by the Schema the tag name should be 'inner' -->
  <inner>inner value</inner1>
  <sub1>sub value</sub1>

XML SAX Support

In Vectorworks XXXX a XML SAX Support is provided by [[VCOM:VectorWorks::Filing:IXMLSAXFile]|IXMLSAXFile] interface. The XML SAX interface allow traversing of XML files without building a DOM model, which allows processing of enormous files.

Reading of an XML file through the XML SAX interface:

// this listener will be notified for the contents of the XML
// as the parser goes through it.
// The XML parser will not store any nodes for future use
// so the user must store the information for each node as it comes
// having in mind memory consumption (this linear XML process can be used for huge XML files)
class CMyXMLContentsListener : public IXMLSAXListener

    virtual ~CMyXMLContentsListener()

    virtual void VCOM_CALLTYPE 	OnDocument(const bool isStart)
        // isStart == true: the SAX parser starts processing an XML file 
        // isStart == false: the SAX parser ends processing an XML file 

    virtual void VCOM_CALLTYPE 	OnNode(const bool isStart, const SXMLURI& uri, const TXString& name, IXMLSAXAttributes* attributes) = 0;
        // isStart == true: the SAX parser starts processing an XML file node
        // isStart == false: the SAX parser ends processing an XML file node

        // the node information is located in 'name' and 'uri' parameters
        // also 'attributes' can be used to obtain node's attributes information

    virtual void VCOM_CALLTYPE 	OnNodeValue(const TXString&  value) = 0;
        // the SAX parser has found a value inside the last open node

void myReadFunction()
    CMyXMLContentsListener  myXMLContentsListener ;

    IXMLSAXFilePtr    xmlSAXFile( IID_XMLSAXFile );
    xmlSAXFile->ParseFile( fileID, & myXMLContentsListener );

Writing to an XML file through the XML SAX interface:

{ // SCOPE
  IXMLSAXFilePtr    xmlSAXFile( IID_XMLSAXFile );
  xmlSAXFile->BeginDocument( fileID, eXMLEncoding_UTF8 );
  xmlSAXFile->BeginNode( "rootNode" );
    xmlSAXFile->BeginNode( "info" );
      xmlSAXFile->AddAttribute( "id", "1" );
      xmlSAXFile->AddValue( "value1" );
    xmlSAXFile->BeginNode( "info" );
      xmlSAXFile->AddValue( "value2" );

} // going out of scope will close the file

See Also